- help - tmux paints vim
cross-posted from:
> idk im having this issue for a long time. itd be nice to have this fixed. > > thanks
- Copying selection help
I've been using screen for a while, and the copy/pasting just behaved like being in a regular terminal window (Debian), as in Ctrl+Shift+c to copy.
I made the switch to Tmux a couple months ago and never looked back. The only gripe I've been having is copying text selections. I simply don't know how to make it work. There's are some shenanigans to enable copying, but somehow never got it to work, so I always end up detaching from the session, and then do the copying, then re-attach the session.
Is there any way to make the copying work just like in a regular terminal window (Ctrl+Shift+c)?
- Fzf Tmux Session Fzf Tmux Session Manager
Today I wrote a script to quickly search, delete and add new tmux session with the power of fzf. The script The --bind flag of fzf took me quite some time to debug because of many escape backslashes I needed to add. #!/bin/bash # ~/.local/bin/tmux-session-manager FIND_DEFAULT_COMMAND="tmux list-sess...
I already posted this on
but I think it's more suitable here.