Some people prefer to play their tabletop roleplaying games alone, to avoid the drama and scheduling issues of traditional group games, while others play solo because they're unable to find a group to play with.
Whatever your case may be, you're more than welcome here to discuss your experiences as well as ask any questions that you might have.
I love stuff like this - hexcrawl combined with dungeon crawl. I continue to be surprised by how much Four Against Darkness stuff engages me, depite its simple mechanics.
I'm trying out Mythic Game Master Emulator with Dungeon World. I've only done a few sessions of game setup but I'm already very impressed with the GME. I'd love to hear from you if you have thoughts or questions about solo roleplaying in general, Mythic in particular, or even just tabletop roleplaying in general.
The days following my miraculous reawakening have been no less revelatory in nature than that first moment of consciousness after what I presumed was certain death. As I record them now I am still …
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Sir John has come to a disturbing revelation about his new nature…
I've created a #SoloRPG community over on the #Lemmy instance Lemmy is a #Reddit lookalike for the Fediverse. The community is available at (the recommended way of accessing it), but it can also be followed from any Fediverse account by following @solorpg.
It's the obvious question, isn't it? Everybody knows that roleplaying games are a group exercise. The fun comes from the interaction with other participants as well as untangling the plots of the Game Master. That's not something you can do alone - you can't have interpersonal interactions alone, and you can't have both players and a Game Master if it's just you. So why on earth would you even try to engage in an inherently group-oriented activity on your own?
I'm glad you asked; let me explain.
What are the most common problems of group roleplaying games?
Scheduling issues is THE number one killer of roleplaying campaigns. It's hard to find a regular time slot that everyone can commit to. This is not a problem when you play alone. When you play alone, you don't need a regular time slot - you just play whenever you want.
Interpersonal drama in group games is a common complaint. It is not uncommon for people to disagree and become upset around the game table. **This is not