Shower Thoughts
- Wifi 6 doesn't support 6Ghz, you have to use Wifi 6E for that, which seems intentionally confusing.
This is going to go way over the head of your average consumer - what a huge fuckup!
- I Wonder What Jake Busey Is Up To
You think it's too late for he could pull off a Point Break remake?
- I haven't been ricrolled since the start of the year.
Unless you count my ringtone
(for a specific app)
- Show and Tell was so popular that it’s now one of the ways prople get paid, making YouTube the world’s largest professional Show and Tell platform.
I should probably bring something to Show and Tell.
- Adulting in america.
Where I am in america you can get a buy a gun when you reach 18, alcohol when you reach 21 and cough syrup when you reach 40.
- We don't have to worry about AI taking over bartending jobs
...because they would pour too many fingers.
- Any meeting involving PowerPoint can be an email instead. Just email the deck to people. If they have questions, they can either email you or request a meeting. But don't interrupt people if all you'r
Any meeting involving PowerPoint can be an email instead. Just email the deck to people. If they have questions, they can either email you or request a meeting. But don't interrupt people if all you're going to do is make them follow along while you read through a presentation.
- my dog and my wife should probably never ride together
i mean, president and vice president travel separately. i cant lose them both.
- For Something To Be Known You Have To Say It, And Someone Else Has to See Someone Else See You Say It
Fracturing communication channels hence makes it harder for things to be known (which was the point).
- y'all is such a great and incusive word, I love it.
And that word is coming from an area known for bigotry.
- We buy Pixels
When we buy or rent anything digital, we pay for a certain arrangement of the pixels in our screens (with or without sound) that please us.
- LGBTQ+ isn't optimal
I'm sorry if it's not my olace to say this, qnd I don't wish to offend anyone, but lesbians are gay, right? Maybe "gay" has once meant only "homesexual men", but now many lesbians call themselves "gay" so having both the "l" anf the "g" seems redundant. In fact, an even broader definition of "gay" may even encompass bisexuals, so gtq+ seems sufficient. But the word "queer" is also used as an ulbrella term for all lgbtq+ identities, so really, q+ seems like would suffice. Or if it has to be lgbt, they could at least switch the "b" and the "t" so that it can also mean "Let's Get This Bread".
- Happy people tell stories about a horrible life with a smile on their face
Happy people tell stories about a horrible life with a smile on their face
- There are people alive in their 90's that were born before the world's population hit 2 billion
The world population has grown by four times in the last 100 years, we have gone from a billion, to 8 billion people. Thats absolutely crazy.