Cannabinoid Potentiator Map # Introduction # Tragically, hardly anybody (i.e., not you) theorize about how different cannabinoids affect subjective experience. Of course, you can only describe your personal feelings, and individual reactions often vary or even contradict one another. Maybe the barri...
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Does anybody else have a theory about the subjective effects of cannabinoids? The linked page is a summary of my theory. This is based on my recent cannabis journey. Curious to hear any comments or feedback. Does it match your experience or not?
I get way more stoned when I get stoned than any of my friends. The only difference is I've taken acid a few times and they haven't. It was several years ago, and I noticed in the weeks that followed weed hit me way the fuck harder. Does that last forever?
Since I enjoy cannabinol (CBN), I'm curious to learn about the acetylated version CBN-O. I've heard that CBN-O is stronger than CBN, but can anybody suggest anything more specific? Is CBN-O 10x stronger than CBN? What about duration? Is CBN-O more than 8 hour duration?
Church of the Sacred Synthesis March 7 Press Release
The Church of the Sacred Synthesis (The Church) is pleased to announce that it has confirmed the presence of Psilomethoxin (4-HO-5-MeO-DMT) in its mushroom fruiting bodies.
These findings have been independently confirmed using triple quadrupole LC/MS instrumentation at the Chemical Purification, Analysis, and Screening Facility supervised by its director at the University of South Florida (USF) on Tuesday March 5, 2024.
The Church made the Psilomethoxin reference standard that it promised and will be able to test submitted sacramental Psilomethoxin contained in fruiting bodies provided by others who grow the sacrament on their own.
The Church has a distribution partner who will be making Psilomethoxin available over the counter (OTC) in a GMP formulation. We have a biotech partner who will be making Psilomethoxin OTC in a GMP formulation from yeast using gene editing. We have a university partner who will be conducting clinic
Is it normal to feel/become so much more egotistic/self-absorbed (maybe become more aware about how egotistical you already are?) on acid? Is it possible to minimise or outright prevent those tendencies, during trips (or even just in day to day life)? I love almost everything about acid experiences except those ones that make me confront how sad, lonely and terrible of a person I am lol.
I guess, in some ways, bad trips are also good in that they can be really quite sobering and prevent me from outright abusing the stuff.
Similarly, if it weren't for the fact that ayahuasca tastes so fucking terrible and causes me to puke my guts out literally every single time, I reckon I'd probably consume it on the reg as I love the way it makes me feel like I'm one with everything and makes me forget who I am as an individual (not to mention all the pretty images of course). But unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), it tastes like what I imagine Satan's bunghole probably tastes like.
I'm looking to try a psychedelic but most seem at best to have blunted effects while on SSRIs or at worst be dangerous to take at the same time. It looks like ketamine might be relatively safe, but I'm looking for others that might be safe too.