Instance Closed - We have moved!
SXC Room to trade/chat/whatever (Links updated)
Looking for space time SmackDown trades
Looking for 3 ♦️♦️♦️ trades
MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT: WG is shutting down as a public instance March 1st 2025.
Darkness Type Pokemon Mass Outbreak Event!
The next mini set is expected to drop on Feb 28
Thank you for not making me do battles for "likes"
Mismagius ex
Looking for trades
First pack of the day!
Wonder Pick Event Part 2 Underway
Mesprit full art - Anyone using these pokemon in decks?
Double the Trouble
Trade- looking for pidgeot EX- complete
Space Time has been Smacked Down
Good start to the Day
New Wonder Pick Event
Promo Turtwig seems... off
I found a site with card art (textless) for Mythical Island and Genetic Apex