Episode 194: The "Graying Population" Panic and the 90-Year War on Social Security
General Intellect Unit 106 - Computer Power and Human Reason, Part 3
788 - The AMIA Mystery feat. @iwrite4jacobin (12/4/23)
787 - Octagonal Relations feat. Karim Zidan (12/4/23)
The Cavalry Is Not Coming - This American Life (actually pretty good/not lib ep?)
It's quite interesting how Blowback's tone changed from Season 1 to Season 2 and Season 3
This Machine Kills Episode 300. Wait, You’re Telling Me the Capitalists Now Control AI?
Cars and Comrades - Used Cars Part 1, With Guest Alex
785 - Tank Girls feat. Brace Belden (11/27/23)
"Roots of the Nakba: Zionist Settler Colonialism" (2020) by Sumaya Awad & Annie Levin. Audiobook.
Return of the Repressed 32#. Questions and Answers pt2
LAPD Officer Dies During Training Exercise After Exposing Corruption Inside Police Departments
General Intellect Unit 104 - Computer Power and Human Reason
Justifying the Unjustifiable in Palestine
The Kingless Generation - Ivan Morris, Weeb Superspy 4: beasts in human guise
Matchday 1: Mobutu Sese Seko
American Prestige - The Communist Meownifesto w/ Leigh Claire La Berge
Chapo Trap House 784 - Spanish Civil War, part 1: Pronunciamento y Pistolerismo (11/23/23)
105 - Computer Power and Human Reason, Part 2 | General Intellect Unit