MBARI researchers discover remarkable new swimming sea slug in the deep sea
🎃 Nudibranch Halloween Special! 🎃
BEHOLD..... The Beautiful Blue Glaucus!
Meet the Four-colour Nudibranch!
The Pikachu Nudibranch!
....sparkly nudi, by Erwin Poliakoff
Facelina rhodopos, by Rafi Amar
Antiopella cristata, by Jose Salmerón
Janolus by Sergi Garcia
Blue Dragon by Bill Kuiper
Chemical defences indicate bold colour patterns with reduced variability in aposematic nudibranchs
The Fantastically Weird World of Photosynthetic Sea Slugs | Michael Middlebrooks | TED
Morphology and Phylogenetic Position of the Sargassum Nudibranch (Scyllaea fulva)
Daily Nudibranch- Hello Doris!
Daily Nudibranch- The Amazing, Self Decapitating Elysia marginata!
How do they do that? Photographing nudibranchs
Some Beautiful Nudibranch photos by David Hall......
Saddle up Cowboy....
Nudi Reproduction, Fun Facts and Photos- Part 1 ......SEX!
Nudi Porn Part 3!