Anyone else doing Advent of Code in Julia?
Julia 1.11 released
SciML Small Grants Program Current Project List | SciML: Open Source Software for Scientific Machine Learning
Why DataFrame is not type stable and when it matters | Bogumił Kamiński | Jan 8, 2021
Think Julia: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
Julia's numerical derivative following Numpy gradient
Tidier.jl | A data analysis package inspired by R's tidyverse and crafted specifically for Julia.
The Julia REPL · The Julia Language | The Julia REPL has five main modes of operation
Julia Programming Tutorial | An effective tutorial for science and engineering
My Target Audience | The Two Culture Problem
This month in Julia world - 2024-01
Delving into Advanced Types within the Julia Type System
Julia's Parallel Computing Optimizations
Julia 1.10 Highlights
TIL about | A Julia Language Blog Aggregator
GPU-based ODE solvers which are 20x-100x faster than those in #jax and #pytorch
Statistical Rethinking - A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan (and PyMC3, brms, and Julia too)
Julia Still Not Grown Up Enough to Ride Exascale Train
Last week I was in MĂĽnster, Germany, to discuss Spatial Data Science across the @julia, @python, and [#r](
Last month I taught @julia and its geospatial stack at the @opengeohub summer school 2023 in beautiful Poznań, Poland. I had a g