A place to discuss and admire houseplants
- The weirdness on the beauty
Hi guys, here I came with a photo of the plantation of chayote that has been growing up in home. Really a tasteful fruit and in a very curious, but funny way
- Cissus discolor, one of my absolute favorites
I already had a huge one that grows on a huge trellis (and then searches everywhere for new spots to cling to, slowly overtaking the wall at every opportunity it gets), but i also wanted one as a hanging plant. This one is actually propagated. On april 19 i put three completely leafless stems in water. First, it started growing some tiny leafs, next came the roots. It is a fast grower. The backside is a dark red. Many people think it is a begonia, but it has no relationship to begonias. Last summer i had to leave for three weeks and it dried out and lost most of its leaves and then did nothing much. I thought i lost it, but repotted it and removed the dead leaves and low and behold, it started sprouting leaves all over the stems, surpassed the top of the trellis, and now already found a painting to cling to :-)
- Anacampseros 'Sunrise', Anacampseros telephiastrum variegata, aka Anacampseros telephiastrum ‘Variegata’
So happy to have found a houseplant community :-)
This is a succulent that flowers every year for me, with cute purple flowers. If you look carefully, you see tiny 'hairs' here and there. I belief those aid in collecting dew. It sits in a south window.
- My Philodendron Warszewicziiimgur.com My Philodendron Warszewiczii, Warsze! (pronounced vahr-skee)
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My first post on Lemmy! My P. Warszewiczii (pronounced vahr-skeh-vick-see-eye), Warsze (named creatively).
- Drosera Binata mustache
My Drosera Binata decided to sneak around to my Utricularia container to give it some pizazz