Special Heroes who are young but dependable will appear soon!
FEH - Special Heroes (A Place to Rest)
Divine Codes 5 announced!
Choose Your Legends 8 - Results
Legendary Hero (Camilla: Alluring Darkness)
Special Heroes: Holiday Lessons
Elincia Emblem Turn-1 Solo vs Gullveig & Kvasir Abyssal
Next resplendent will be Adult Tiki!
A day in the life: Sea monsters
New Heroes: Attuned Nino and Ginnungagap
A Day in the Life of Heroes - Perpetually Erk-ed
New Special Heroes: Our Path Ahead
Upcoming refines
New Mythic Hero Veyle: Gentle Dragon
Fir is the next resplendent hero!
A Day in the Life of Heroes - Food for Thought
New Heroes (Attuned: Peony and Triandra)
Special Heroes: Merchant's Harvest
FEH - New Heroes, Ascended Ced, & Rearmed Plumeria
Upcoming Arcane hero