- With the release of Space Age, Factorio has just reached its highest ever concurrent player count!
Alt text for image: A SteamDB graph of the Factorio player count since release, with a current and all-time peak of 47,557 players
- Friday Facts #423 - Research info tooltip & Online players GUIwww.factorio.com Friday Facts #423 - Research info tooltip & Online players GUI | Factorio
Hello, GUI improvements often surprise us with just how impactful they can be, even for simple cases, they can really compound on the quality of life.
- [video] Michael Hendriks found an infinite productivity glitch
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- Friday Facts #422 - Tesla Turretfactorio.com Friday Facts #422 - Tesla Turret | Factorio
Hello, It's time for those "tesla items" I mentioned in FFF 399.
- Friday Facts #421 - Optimizations 2.0factorio.com Friday Facts #421 - Optimizations 2.0 | Factorio
Hello, We all love building bigger and bigger, but hitting the UPS ceiling really puts a damper on the mood. Thats why we must continue our endless quest to optimize the game.
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