A community dedicated to helping users discover new communities.
The rules are simple. If you see a community you like, that could use more members, post a link to it here, along with a brief description of the community, so users can get an idea what it’s about. If you’re a moderator, you’re allowed to advertise here, just no spam. Spam, along with abuse of this platform, will not be tolerated. Finally, be a decent person.
A few weeks ago, I created !whatanime@lemmy.world, which is meant to be the unofficial Lemmy version of r/whatanime. It's a community to help people in finding the sources of images, videos, etc. related to anime/manga. It's currently pretty much dead, but if you're interested, you might try it.
More cinematic shots, less Reddit and mod arbitrariness. This community is for cineasts, who appreciate some great shots and movie scenes."
Welcome to Weird Wheels, the home of the weird, wacky and the wondrously stupid
awful ideas the automotive industry has thought up. From Motorcycles, Tricycles,
Unicycles, One Wheel, Two Wheels or a Monowheel. Ugly, fugly, weird or the
endeared! The confusing, cruising or even the amusing. This comm...
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Weird Wheels, the home of the weird, wacky and the wondrously stupid awful ideas the automotive industry has thought up.
From Motorcycles, Tricycles, Unicycles, One Wheel, Two Wheels or a Monowheel. Ugly, fugly, weird or the endeared! The confusing, cruising or even the amusing.
An otome game , is a story-based video game that is targeted towards women.
Generally one of the goals, besides the main idea/goal, is to develop a romantic
relationship between the female main player character and one of the usually
male, secondary lead characters. Guidelines: Only Otome Related Co...
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A community for anything and everything related to Otome Games whether it be Mobile, Pc, Switch, PSP, Vita, Old or new are all welcome
A place to respectfully discuss pro wrestling from all promotions, all eras, and
all styles. — Rules: 1. Let people like what they like. 3. Be kind, even in
disagreement. 4. No spamming or solicitation. 5. Follow all Lemmy.world rules
[https://mastodon.world/about]. Please report any rule violations...
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I'm trying to start up a wholesome community of wrestling fans who aren't into tribalism, drama, and circle-jerking. Keep up with everything going on in "this business," reminisce, partake in some friendly banter, let people like what they like, enjoy what you enjoy, and come chill with us!
A community for cast iron cookware. Recipes, care, restoration, identification,
Rules: Be helpful when you can, be respectful always, and keep cooking bacon.
More rules may come as the community grows, but for now, I’ll remove spam or
anything obviously mean-spirited, and leave it at that. Rela...
A community dedicated to forged iron products and discussion. Cast iron products
are also welcome. For cast iron cookware, check https://lemmy.world/c/castiron
A community dedicated to vintage watches. All brands are welcome. Feel free to
post pictures of your vintage collections, questions about what to buy, advice
on servicing old movements, or anything else related to vintage watches.
A community dedicated to buying Canadian. Inspired by the subreddit of the same
name. If moderators of the subreddit wish to moderate this community, just ask.
What counts as buying Canadian? Basically, it’s the idea of buying from Canadian
companies, with a preference towards buying made in Canada ...