Camouflage Enthusiasts vs Bores
Snow Camo Test
Kryptek Obskura Transitional camo in the woods
UCP/ABU "foliage green" is not a good camo color. It only works best in a very particular setting. Frosty grass.
It's Multicam/OCP season!
Pencott Wildwood in the Midwest US
Disney uses a shade of green paint to help people ignore utilities, trash cans etc. It is nicknamed "go away green"
Camouflaged Cell Tower
Flecktarn in the wild, Midwest US
Pencott Wildwood, Midwest US, June
Kitten's fur matches apple tree branch
Pencott Wildwood doing its thing
A Long But Very Well Done Camouflage Comparison Video
Flecktarn Treeline Field Test, September, Midwest US
A Disney made WWII training film on airfield camouflage techniques
An article about the development of aircraft camo in WWII
Field Test: Dyed ABU, July, Midwest US
A Short and Sweet Research Paper From 2010 Testing Various Urban Camouflage Designs
Micro Patterns
Macro Patterns