How bees can monitor pollution for us – everything from toxic metals to antimicrobial resistance
Is Beekeeping Wrong? Parasites and pesticides have brought chaos to bee colonies throughout the world. Natural beekeepers want to transform our relationship to the hive.
How geometry solves architectural problems for bees and wasps
Little identification help please?
Where do honey bees come from? New study 'turns the standard picture on its head'
Kamon Reynolds no longer affiliated with Hive Life conference, and now planning a separate conference
The Intelligent Guerrilla Beehive - 1 Part Art Instillation, 1 Part Science Experiment
Honey bees more faithful to their flower patches than bumble bees, new study shows
How the Tech Behind a COVID-19 Vaccine is Helping Save Bees
Pollinator Interaction Databases
AP News: 48% of US honey bee colonies died last year
Carpenter bee visiting my Passionflower
Adoption of meliponiculture in the domestic United States
Welcome! Are all subscribers here beekeepers? If so, whereabouts?
Caging queens to fight varroa - useful technique or needless sacrifice of productivity?