A community for wholesome memes and pics about you and the person you care about most in the world.
Whether they be your best friend, a family member, romantic partner, or anyone else (like zucchinis!), this is the perfect place for finding and sharing memes and pics that make you feel warm inside.
They can be sappy, lovey-dovey, or full of goober energy.
Be civil
No politics
Pics should be about two people who care about each other
No hateful or cruel pics. Only wholesome ones (a bit of gremlin energy is allowed)
No NSFW or suggestive pics
Do your best to check for reposts before submitting a pic
As I wish for more snow, here's a throwback to one of my favorite autumn photographs.
New River Gorge National Park
Victor & Olga were Eastern Screech Owls that were cared for at Three Rivers Avian Center in Brooks, WV. They care for injured birds of prey and return them to the wild if possible. They do two fundraisers a year in the form of photography workshops. You get to photograph beautiful birds of prey, learn about them, all while helping support a wonderful organization. I am a lover of owls. I'm so lucky and happy to have captured this precious moment.