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Linus Torvalds: Speaks on the Rust vs C Linux Divide
  • If anything I think that the current rust discourse is a fad. I'm not sure what it is about rust that makes people have so strong opinions about it but I can't wait for it to become a "normal" language so that people can chill about it a bit.

  • The burning of the Library of Alexandria for fandoms
  • I think there's a cultural difference too. Bluesky is much closer to (a subsection of) twitter culture pre-musk than anything else. Weather you think that's good or bad is a matter of taste but it is probably the easiest thing to get people who like pre-musk twitter to switch to.

  • Google says replacing C/C++ in firmware with Rust is easy
  • I dunno, CMake has one of the worst syntaxes I've ever seen, and despite that it's one of the most popular languages used for C/C++ build scripting. This is because it has certain technical benefits compared to its competitors. I'm certain that having "bad" syntax is a disadvantage but it's less important than other factors. Also I don't think that Rusts syntax is universally disliked either.

  • Google says replacing C/C++ in firmware with Rust is easy
  • If you're hobby programming then do whatever you want obviously but if you're part of some sort of larger project that's trying to decide between Rust and C++ then subjective aesthetic arguments probably aren't going to be considered as heavily as technical ones (and rightfully so), which in Rusts case could be that certain classes of bugs are impossible. That's not to say that it's not possible to make a technical case for C++ over rust but syntax preferences probably aren't going to play a large role in how widely used either languages are, which is good.

  • Google says replacing C/C++ in firmware with Rust is easy
  • I don't think that everyone has to switch to rust or anything but "I dislike the syntax" and "I only want familiar things" are really bad arguments for not using a language. Try something outside of your comfort zone for a bit, it will help you grow as a programmer.

  • Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO - 9to5Mac
  • Maybe paywalled subreddits are more intended to become competitors to maybe patreon and only fans rather than present day subreddits? Like a lot of patreons have discord access as a perk, the paywalled subreddit could potentially fill that role instead. Don't think it seems like a good idea and don't think it'll become more than a gimic

  • commit messages are optional
  • When I'm just locally iterating on stuff I'll usually do a git commit -m "WIP: Description of what I'm trying to do" and then git commit --amend to it. A bit more ergonomic than stashing if I want to switch branches imo. I can also go back to old versions if I want to through the reflog.

    git commit --fixup some-commit is also great for if I discover things in the review for example. You can then do git rebase master --autosquash to flatten them into the commit they belong to and that way you don't have to bother with commit messages like "fixed typo". Doing fixups for small fixes is good because it allows you to keep your mr broken up into several commits without also leaving in a bunch of uninteresting history.

    Can recommend checking out the --fixup section in the git documentation if you haven't heard about --fixup before.

  • FOSS Alternative to Chromecast?
  • There are probably better alternatives, but I have a raspbery pi plugged into my tv and use KDE connect to remote control the mouse and keyboard from my phone. If I wanna watch youtube I'll navigate to and click on a video.

  • How I Use Git Worktrees - Alex Kladov
  • The different worktrees share the same .git state. The article has an example where the author uses one tree for writing code and one for fuzzing it. If they used multiple clones they'd have to push from the writing directory and pull from the fuzzing directory to get new commits to fuzz but with worktrees this state synchronization between different git directories happens automatically.

  • People that use Neovim really like Neovim | More than any other code editor, people using it want to keep using it | 2024 Stacked Overflow Developer Survey
  • "Desired" and "Admired" are very strangle labels, it like the question(s) might have been:

    Which development environments did you use regularly over the past year, and which do you want to work with over the next year? Please check all that apply.

    In which case VSCodes high "desired" score just means that it was widely used?

  • "GitHub" Is Starting to Feel Like Legacy Software
  • There's a difference between the author being mad that github is switching to react and the author being mad that github is misusing react. It is possible to use react without breaking browsers find in page functionality, which is ultimately what the author is frustrated about.

  • Linux geeks cheer as Arm wrestles x86 • The Register
  • Well right now most people develop apps supporting x86 and leaves everything else behind. If they're supporting x86 + arm, maybe adding riscv as a third option would be a smaller step than adding a second architecture

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • I think that it's quite bad if Microsoft puts peoples family photos on their servers without the user realizing it. That's not a niche privacy nerd sentiment, I think that a lot of people would find that creepy. Having the option easily available can be really good for a lot of non-techy people but it should be very clear what stays on your computer and what doesn't, and how to keep something private if you want to, which I'm not sure that it is if Microsoft quietly backs up Documents, Pictures etc.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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