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No More Debates, No More Mistakes
  • You can politely suck my schtick. @glimse

  • No More Debates, No More Mistakes
  • "He got rocked by both Harris and himself."

    Yet all anyone is talking about is illegals eating pets (which we all now know is true) and how rigged the debate was because the "moderators" only "fact checked" Trump and not Camela. So, yeah, congrats on that W, Lemming. Looks real good on ya!

    @glimse @realcaseyrollins

  • New filings reveal FBI authorized use of DEADLY FORCE when they raided Mar-a-Lago
  • Keep your mind open to the possibility that he was never gay and was always straight.

    The best part of that is the potential absurdity of two straight men, Gavin McGinnis and Milo, making out on camera at a publicity stunt in reaction to the Pulse Night Club massacre.

    @realcaseyrollins @amerika @glimse

  • New filings reveal FBI authorized use of DEADLY FORCE when they raided Mar-a-Lago
  • "maybe the questioners were plants"

    They wouldn't need to be. Like I said, Milo is a brilliant performer/orator. Spoken word is his strong suit. Written word is his weak link.

    @amerika @glimse @realcaseyrollins

  • New filings reveal FBI authorized use of DEADLY FORCE when they raided Mar-a-Lago
  • Milo was a brilliant performer with only one real act. He became a reductive version of himself after the F.I.C. tour. As far as writing goes, he could best be described as a lazy dysfunctional drug addict and fame whore who crashed out owing numerous people outstanding debts, allegedly.

    @amerika @glimse @realcaseyrollins

  • New filings reveal FBI authorized use of DEADLY FORCE when they raided Mar-a-Lago
  • I can promise you he very likely didn't write a word of that, or anything else penned under his name at Breitbart. For that you probably want to thank Allum Bokhari.

    @amerika @glimse @realcaseyrollins

  • New filings reveal FBI authorized use of DEADLY FORCE when they raided Mar-a-Lago
  • That's been the case ever since Milo's "Feminism is Cancer" tour.

    Milo is one seriously vile man but his tour was brilliant and served as one of the main catalysts for blowing up the campus narrative about the left being tolerant and peaceful. Everyone else followed his lead. Shapiro, Kirk, Owens...All road Milo's coattails to fame. But really, it was all Steve Bannon. He produced that whole tour. Pure brilliance.

    Also, Milo's probably an intel asset.

    @amerika @glimse @realcaseyrollins

  • truthbait TruthBait

    I enjoy long walks on the beach and trolling trolls like @SiRrogueKnight, the gifted creator of my masthead.

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