Trabic @ Trabic Posts 27Comments 76Joined 2 yr. ago
I've killed a couple up here in CT, but now that I know they eat grapevines, which make a run at cooking everything in my garden out , I'm having second thoughts.
It's a bit "old lady who swallowed a fly" but if they develop a taste for bittersweet...
I'm a simple man, I hear a trombone solo - I up vote.
Thanks, I hadn't heard these guys before.
I love Blue Jays too, but their song aren't exactly melodic.
Egrets, I've had a few, but then again, too few to mention.
Arent the Galpagos amazing? We saw a newborn baby seal from about 2 meters, Albatross mating dances, and boobies, boobies, boobies (mostly blue footed)
I'm going back for New Year's, can't wait.
Thanks for the amazing foto.
Hopp Hopp Hopp!
Two of my three favorite teams playing each other, but hopp Schweiz.
I enjoy it too, well acted, cleverly filmed, but they did change the ending which seems a bit presumptuous.
I liked "O"(2001) more than most High School dramas.
How would you rate Romeo+Juliet(1996), production, rip off, or homage?
I'm kinda shocked how many of these are on YouTube, never even occurred to me to check.
Sounds good, I'm in.
My favorite Shakespeare is Othello and there are some good ones, the Lawrence Fishburn from the 90s is decent, and there is an Olivier floating around that is excellent. But, try the Zeffirelli version of Verdi's opera Otello for my all time favorite Iago.
Titus (1999), Julie Taymore directs, Anthony Hopkins and Jessica Lange, DEFINITELY NOT A COMEDY
Macbeth (1971). No matter how you feel about Polanski as an (alledged) human, it's quite a film There is also a Michael Fassbinder Marrion Cottiard from 2015 that I havent seen, but am curious about.
Kenneth Branaugh did a bunch of Shakespeare in the 90's which were mostly pretty good.
If anyone can suggest a good film version of The Tempest I'd love to know about it.
It's usually that way here too, but yesterday, for whatever reason, there was no stress.
Cat politics. I don't even pretend to understand it.
Your honor, my client has instructed me to remind the court how rich and important he is & that he is not like other men
Arrested peacefully, and given a cheeseburger.
Is it capitalism?
I suspect they are still not ready to make nice.
Those black eyes peas tasted alright to me, Earl
We had a floof calleded Miez (real name Mistral, but mostly called Miez, Mausli, or Moose) when we lived in Switzerland.
I hope your Miez feels better, I like to think they are cousins.