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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
3 mo. ago

  • Yea? Not only has no eu country made no attempt to acquire new colonies in the last hundred or so years, they actively deloconized!

    In opposition to the US, that demands mineral rights among others in Ukraine! That keeps Guam uprepresented for another example, or for a third example their threats of expansion to greenland and canada! When was the last time any eu countries did anything like that?

  • Maybe you should ask if you are not clear ab someone else’s post?

    Lets take another run at it! You complain about our, European, crimes against humanity! The ones that we stopped doing and recognize them to be warcrimes ag humanity! Is your issue with that that we stopped doing them unlike you americans?

  • When did the eu invade afganistan?

    You know, us helping you in your pointless little wars (your welcome by the way)were very unpopular governmental decisions here? Multiple govs failed in multiple countries for doing so!

    And yes! We should draw the line at ukraine! Wanna take a fucking gander at why? Maybe, and this is going to be a wild guess so hold my hand, because of Russia’s nuclear armada capable of destroying the entirety of earth?

  • Because you americans sent your troops in? Need I remind you again that while your are handing down your worn out military equipment, we are going into debt to fund the Ukrainian war?

    But I am going to ask you once again to think about what you typed! Oki, eu goes in with the troops, now what? Putin leader of strong big russian war machine, who by his own propaganda does claims to be able to rekt nato in it’s entirety, is not only threatened by the shame of not being capable of dealing with small poor ukraine and recreating the conditions of the oktober revolution but an actual invasion of a wildly superior force? Nuclear war! Nuclear war that will destroy all of europe including that of ukraine! But you don’t live here do you? Why would you care for hundreds of millions of lives here you american cunt!

    I know this is going to be a strange concept for you, an american cunt, but the eu does not want to become a colonialist power! Unlike you american fucks we don’t want to risk nuclear armageddon so that your collective minuscular cock seems ever little larger!

  • What is the eu supposed to do? Unlike the US our hand down equipment is shet, ukraine doesn’t want it unlike the us stockpile? So we have and will fund the war!

    The unfortunate and sensitive truth of the war is, that russia has to “win”! It does if doesn’t want to repeat the October revolution! The thing is it can’t, what do you think what the fuck would happen if Ukraine got its nukes and strategic bomber fleet back bec russia broke the budapest accord? That Putin would shy away from a nuclear war if his gilded throne starts shaking?

  • Eu membership entails that we defend each other! Its just never was called for bef

    But Russia really broke its fangs into Ukraine, the big strong russian warmachine can’t deal with lil poor Ukraine… So its not like our mutual def pack will be called now!

  • I don’t understand the contradiction? Russia at most gets what it can capture and hold? Why would they oppose on Donnie boy fucking what remains ukraine?

    And Putin helped put D in the white house(! He even pardoned russian secret service members captured by the US! Don’t misunderstand, I don’t think Trump wouldn’t put his own kids into a meatgrinder for some rusty pennies, but his back was already skratched and now its his turn! All his lackeys would flee if he didn’t scratch back!

  • Ty for the answer!

    I understand that would be the def of one of the two possible permanent changes and while I wouldn’t mind the possible balls shrinkage, I don’t want the surgery to remove the breast tissue down the line if it would come to that… But I understand that raloxifene would largely limit that and that it would also naturally shrink after detransitioning?