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Jesus and Capitalists
  • Please don't conflate markets, products and services with capitalism. That's yee old liberal con. Capitalism is a modern invention and it's all about speculation, non-existent liquidity, shell and shelf companies and bringing back usury run amok, what would have people burned at the stake during Jesus times.

  • Anti-socialism propaganda be like
  • If it were up to the lawyers and capitalists and not open source responding to it you'd still be paying to copy files. Imagine that? A subscription for basic utility, and removing it did not "impede competition" or "remove incentive".

    But hey, if you want to, I could rig your phone and computer to pay me a dollar every time you copy or move a file, ya'know, since you're in to that stuff.

  • Removed
    This is what western solidarity looks like
  • My god there's a lot of anti-sexwork sentiment in here. I smell the riggedy raggy stench of TERF's and carceral feminists, i.e fucking liberals.

    Yes, it may seem tasteless, but thinking that porn is an embarrassing way to collect money.. when war is a game of resources makes it seem like a fair deal of you don't understand the seriousness of the situation.

    Let me try to convey it.



    If you haven't donated to the Ukraine defence effort then stfu.

    If you have and you're against this effort to help people suffering from the ravages of war, remember: if the porn industry donated just a fraction of their profits Russia's oil money wouldn't matter one bit.

    Sex work should be fully legal (i.e not having to rely on the grey area of the law) and even respected so that sex workers can get the legal protections they need to stave off human trafficking, abuse, so that they can rely on police and get the support they need to transition our of the sex industry, as age does play a role.

    Believing you can just get rid of the oldest profession in the world is just as stupid as the "war on drugs". It's unrealistic ideological fancies that put more people in danger than it does good.

    End rant.

  • AI chatbots were tasked to run a tech company. They built software in under seven minutes — for less than $1.
  • Future software is going to be written by AI, no matter how much you would like to avoid that.

    My speculation is that we will see AI operating systems at some point, due to the extreme effectiveness of future AI to hack and otherwise subvert frameworks, services, libraries and even protocols.

    So mutating protocols will become a thing, whereby AI will change and negotiate protocols on the fly, as a war rages between defensive AI and offensive AI. There will be shared codebase, but a clear distinction of the objective at hand.

    That's why we need more open source AI solutions and less proprietary solutions, because whoever controls the AI will be controlling the digital world - be it you or some fat cat sitting on a Smaug hill of money.

    EDIT: gawdDAMN there's a lot of naysayers. I'm not talking stable diffusion here, guys. I'm talking about automated attacks and self developing software, when computing and computer networking reaches a point of AI supremacy. This isn't new speculation. It's coming fo dat ass, in maybe a generation or two... or more...

  • Every third post on Lemmy
  • Awwww =3 poor widdle doom scroller. Is there too much politics? Well tough tits, youngin! Everything is political and you should be able to accept it popping up everywhere.

    As for fatigue from politics that try to subvert and enrage you, have you tried not listening to said politics? What? You watch Tucker Carlson?! GTFO here...

  • AOC Rule
  • It should be everyone's duty to pee in the sink, as an expression of freedom from the radical left, that each man, woman and child release a golden stream of liberty into the bowl of degeneracy.

    Therefore it's important to always remember: piss in the sink, but don't sink in the piss.

  • Starfield, is it getting review bombed?
  • There's something I'd like to call "the Bethesda" bar. It's basically an industrial bar lower than most. Let's define what that means:

    • releasing the same game over and over
    • make games so buggy that a release with only a couple hundred of glitches is deemed "polished*
    • ignore progressive development for things like NPC AI
    • put all the money in marketing and hype
    • make the user think they're getting something new, rather than just another boilerplate game

    I'm sure the story writers did some characters justice, but I won't be playing this game - especially since Bethesda claims it "can't run on older hardware", despite the fact that modders are proving them wrong.

    The Betheada bar is a cancer upon the industry and I view it as consumer facing psy-ops, relying on brain-dead fanboys with nothing going on in their lives to squeal with glee as a new AAA-title is released to fill that void.

  • Can someone please explain why not to use Brave browser ?
  • My big grudge is their method of getting revenue. I'm not fond of ads, but replacing services ads for theirs means diverting revenue stream from creators to the company behind brave.

    And how did they do this? Why, man-in-the-middling root certificates...

    It's not only stupid, but evil.

  • The holy trinity of DS9
  • Tbh i hate the mirror universe now... from being a not-so-serious in-joke that came back every now and then, not as much as nudging the timeline, plot or characters into any too serious a direction, to becoming an important part of cannon that I just don't like... mostly because of Discovery and Picard.

    It's really just too cheesy. Alternative universes, by all means, but just a mirror universe where there's a bit of a role reversal which stems from can only be described as "a trend in the 70s".

    Mirror this, bizarro that, cod sarn it. To call it a gimmick is a bit of an understatement. To call it cannon is a bit embarrassing.

    Now excuse me, I've ranted about Star Trek on the interwebz, so now I have to go fulfill the government mandated 3 hours of grass touching.

  • Sen. John Fetterman on Republicans trying to impeach Biden: 'Go ahead, do it. I dare you.'
  • Being a fan of Diogones the cynic I to hate vanity. Nowhere is this more apparent than in congress or the house of representatives.

    Quoteth Diogones: "in a rich man's home there's nowhere to spit but his face", and republicans are trells, slaves to their masters and as vein as the emperor's New clothes, while pretending to be "rebellious". A bunch of posers, really.

  • China wants to ban clothes that 'hurt nation's feelings'
  • Yeah? How about closing those sweatshops that pollute Chinese rivers, drinking water, that destroys soil so that plants can never grow again, where Chinese works inhale colorant and chemicals... how about that shit, CCP?

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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