@frezik Wait. You lot get a Corolla that isn't a hatchback? 😅
@frezik @bluGill Being pedantic: there's still engine oil and transmission oil, but because (almost always, except in some performance BEVs) those are fixed and sealed, they practically do not require changing. Unless the manufacturer is unsure (some Hyundai EVs) or there's a fault and repairs required taking the assembly apart.
I'm really confused by the comparison between Corolla and Leaf - here on the European side, Leaf is the bigger car. https://www.carsized.com/en/cars/compare/nissan-leaf-2017-5-door-hatchback-vs-toyota-corolla-2018-5-door-hatchback/
@Cryophilia @vin Eh, that varies. Driving an EV6 in Poland: all services in the country charge 1850 PLN (430€) for the 30.000 km warranty check.
It's bullshit, that's checking the status readout from teh car computer and checking that yes, the brakes are barely used. Family member ended getting his checkup done on holidays in Finland and paid 300€ in a richer country.
What I'm saying is: yes, the service might be more expensive for now, until the dealerships stop treating it as premium.