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2 yr. ago

  • Heck, Japanese manufacturers even sell $15K EVs in Japan (e.g. Nissan Sakura) but they don't seem to be interested in selling them elsewhere.

  • You'll read a recipe huh? Not so fast! You gonna skim through the author's life story first.

  • They're probably marketing this as requiring zero infrastructure changes to attract buyers and investors. Just put the pod lifter at the end of the track and it's done.

  • Fuck those third world countries.

    Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea? Fuck those commies (except China apparently).

    The whole continent of Africa? Fuck them (except South Africa because reason).

    British and US minor territories? Fuck them too.

    Middle East? Fuck them (except the rich ones).

    -- Sony probably

  • May not exactly what you're looking for, but jupyter is excellent for documenting a session and you can make it works with C++:

  • Are you living in the same country as those that complain about ads in windows? From what I understand, this is not rolled out globally yet.

  • The problem is, these new phones often have new speed charging protocols that only work best with their own charger, basically forcing you to pay more to get the charger if you want to utilize speed charging unless you already have a new-ish charger from that manufacturer.

  • IIRC Samsung doesn't allow OEM unlock on snapdragon devices sold in US.

  • Tweaking gnome to look like macos is easy. Turning kde to look like macos? Now that's dope.

  • Microsoft always treated linux and foss with such disdain while under Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer. Their current CEO is an outlier, openly embracing and extending foss and linux. After years of abuses from Gates and Ballmer, many people in the linux community won't be so quick to trust them.

  • Big corps love A/B testing, slow rollouts and geo-restricted features. You might be in a different group than people that get all these ads.

  • Just turn off "show scores" in your profile and you'll be happier. It's a meaningless number anyway.

  • You'll be able to lock the screen of your phone with just your phone number and a quick security challenge using any device. This buys you time to recover your account details and access additional helpful options in Find My Device, including sending a full factory reset command to completely wipe the device.

    Does this mean I can troll my friends by locking their phone while they're using their phone?

  • Preact is actually usable without build tools. It can be loaded like the good ol' jQuery in modern browsers.

  • The key to make those cheap drives last a bit longer is by keeping as much free space as possible. For extra shitty drives, just leave half of its space alone (though they might die on their own no matter what you do).

  • Those are probably the quick-thinker types. I wonder if people with inner voices take longer when making decision because they have to "listen" to the their inner voices.

  • Maybe in the US, but in Asia, a huge portion of sales for Honda, Toyota and Suzuki are for their modified kei cars. Even so, they still don't seem interested in releasing their electric models there. This gap is currently filled by Chinese EV manufacturers.

  • They sell slightly modified kei cars in other countries, but not these electric models.