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1 yr. ago

  • OH crap, I thought we were submitting to this thread. I'll submit tomorrow for #2, and a few days for #5 (and maybe more)

  • This is a great group project!

  • Another article has an estimate of 315,000 Russia casualties since the beginning of the war.

    The Russian/Afghanistan war estimates (1979-1989) are: 15,000 Soviet soldiers killed, and about 53,000 wounded source

  • A glorious Ferengi day!

  • Me and Picard walking late into this thread:

  • Yeah, is return a '404 image', meaning it's on their side.

  • Best Garak quote:

    Doctor Bashir : They broke seven of your transverse ribs and fractured your clavicle.
    Elim Garak : But I got off several cutting remarks which no doubt did serious damage to their egos.

  • OMG, Ms Piggy as Lwaxana would be perfect!!! That was really well thought out!

  • I forgot Disney bought the Hensen Company. I wouldn't trust Disney with Trek.

  • I'm not dead yet
    I feel happy!

    Queen El'beth