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Write Free Software Community
  • This community was created by Drew DeVault. But I think he is not interested, but you can ask him.

  • Write Free Software Community
  • Fixed. I have added, then added a picture and link to the picture has replaced the site link.

  • Write Free Software Community

    "This community exists to support people in their free software journeys. If you have questions about how a particular license works, or which to choose for your project, how to re-use software, advice on managing a healthy community, and so on, this is the place for you."

    Burnout or not to burnout
  • Thank you. That's what most of developers need to realize.

  • Why is knowledge of programming alone not enough?
  • Agreed. Teams are a powerful option.

  • Burnout or not to burnout
  • I am working at same company almost 20 yers and yes I burned out several times. I have sport, healthy food and hobbies like learning new tech. These 3 things are enough for me.

  • Why is knowledge of programming alone not enough?

    Nowadays, many people strive to conquer the heights of programming in one language or another. There are debates about which language is better, which is more productive, many developers and beginners focus on benchmarks and foam at the mouth to prove something to each other. This is so childish and so pointless!

    Ask yourself the question, what will you create using this or that language? Do you have a startup idea? Can you create something new? Remake an existing one, but make it 10 times better?

    If you are offered a job or take tests and interviews, you will be given technologies that you will be required to use. Business, money, and interests of managers who have never written code themselves will carry more weight than the results of your research and study of effective programming languages. This is the fucking reality of the industry today!

    Therefore, you need to learn something else: physics, mathematics, chemistry, neurobiology, any natural science. This will give you the opportunity to write something in your favorite programming languages that someone else really needs. Not boring schedules and product lists, mailings and stores, fuck commerce.

    Natural on, that's what should advance your programming knowledge!

    Burnout or not to burnout

    When I come across such infographics with tips, I sometimes wonder, if you follow all these tips, then where will you find the time to program? Of course, all this is useful, but every developer knows how much you want to get done with all public affairs and immerse yourself in the code, especially if it is the code of a project that you love. And on the contrary, if you have to write a rotten project, with a stupid team, while working for a mercantile scumbag, no matter what you do, you will be sick of work. What is the conclusion here? Either you do what you love; or love what you do. And you will have much more free time. What about burnout? We are all phoenixes...


    Modern C, Third Edition (covers the C23 standard)

    Almost 50 years ago, the C language defined modern computer programming. This book shows you why C is still as powerful and popular as ever, with an inside look at the new C23 standard.

    For programs that need to be small, fast, and unfailingly reliable, C is still the gold standard. Whether you’re writing embedded code, low-level system routines, or high-performance applications, C is up to the challenge. This unique book by Jens Gustedt, a member of the ISO C standards committee, gets you up to speed with C23.

    In Modern C, Third Edition you’ll:

    • Learn C basics, core features, and advanced concepts
    • Leverage major C23 improvements for security, reliability, and performance
    • Write portable code that runs anywhere
    • Build multi-threaded applications with atomics and synchronization
    • Create robust and resilient software with error handling
    • Use type-generic programming for reusable code

    C powers more software than any other language — from embedded devices to distributed systems. In Modern C, Third Edition you’ll learn to harness C’s full potential using the latest tools and techniques. After a quick review of the fundamentals perfect for beginners or coders who haven’t used C in a while, this book guides you to mastery of C23, the latest ISO standard.

    Rust coin

    Rust coin must exist, otherwise what is the Rust compiler mining in the background?

    What do you think about brains unsafety?
  • Why am I creating these posts? Not because I want to sabotage the infrastructure or do not recognize new technologies and programming languages. Undoubtedly, new languages must appear and they must compete, because this is a natural process, of evolution. I just want to understand the mood of the C community itself. It's lukewarm on this platform. Nobody is against new languages, and they can be used together with C or as an alternative. But here we are talking about a complete replacement. So, working with memory directly is the job of whom? The chosen ones? The units that will sit behind the compilers? What about the rest? Only fulfill commercial orders? Is this engineering? Is this programming?

    I look at how programming has changed over the course of 25 years, what they teach at universities, and where they start. And I came to the conclusion that on a large scale, it was all for the benefit of giant companies or the government.

    We must protect the “intimate” knowledge of the foundations and water the roots ourselves. Because they don’t realize, they don’t see that if the roots are not watered, the branches on which they sit will dry out. Therefore, who, if not us? Thanks, everyone!

    If you can't give me poetry, can't you give me poetical science? © Ada Lovelace

  • What do you think about brains unsafety?
  • Interesting, if you subscribed to the C lang community and downvote posts that support C... Who are you? Rust agents? 😁

  • What do you think about brains unsafety?
  • Languages have advocates, but for Rust, it looks like advocates have a language.

  • What do you think about brains unsafety?
  • Companies will follow recommendations, but independent C programmers must not follow them. Time will show us. But I believe C will never die.

  • What do you think about brains unsafety?

    Maybe you have to hear about this.

    What do you think?

    I think:

    !C will never die

    For infrastructure technology, C will be hard to displace. © Dennis Ritchie

    What do you think about Hare programming language?
  • Read about platform support, and faq. You should prefer custom installation, example for FreeBSD.

    And are you rustacean?

  • Understanding and Using C Pointers

    Developers struggle with C pointers because they do not feel confident. I found a very good book about it: Understanding and Using C Pointers by Richard Reese.

    "Why You Should Become Proficient with Pointers

    Pointers have several uses, including:

    • Creating fast and efficient code
    • Providing a convenient means for addressing many types of problems
    • Supporting dynamic memory allocation
    • Making expressions compact and succinct
    • Providing the ability to pass data structures by pointer without incurring a large overhead
    • Protecting data passed as a parameter to a function

    Faster and more efficient code can be written because pointers are closer to the hardware.

    That is, the compiler can more easily translate the operation into machine code. There is not as much overhead associated with pointers as might be present with other operators.

    Many data structures are more easily implemented using pointers. For example, a linked list could be supported using either arrays or pointers.

    However, pointers are easier to use and map directly to a next or previous link. An array implementation requires array indexes that are not as intuitive or as flexible as pointers."

    "A solid understanding of pointers and the ability to effectively use them separates a novice C programmer from a more experienced one. Pointers pervade the language and provide much of its flexibility. They provide important support for dynamic memory allocation, are closely tied to array notation, and, when used to point to functions, add another dimension to flow control in a program.

    Pointers have long been a stumbling block in learning C. The basic concept of a pointer is simple: it is a variable that stores the address of a memory location. The concept, however, quickly becomes complicated when we start applying pointer operators and try to discern their often cryptic notations. But this does not have to be the case. If we start simple and establish a firm foundation, then the advanced uses of pointers are not hard to follow and apply.

    The key to comprehending pointers is understanding how memory is managed in a C program. After all, pointers contain addresses in memory. If we don’t understand how memory is organized and managed, it is difficult to understand how pointers work. To address this concern, the organization of memory is illustrated whenever it is useful to explain a pointer concept. Once you have a firm grasp of memory and the ways it can be organized, understanding pointers becomes a lot easier."


    Good explanation about "Differences Between Arrays and Pointers"

    There are several differences between the use of arrays and the use of pointers to arrays. In this section, we will use the vector array and pv pointer as defined below:

    c int vector[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int *pv = vector;

    The code generated by vector\[i\] is different from the code generated by vector+i. The notation vector\[i\] generates machine code that starts at location vector, moves i positions from this location, and uses its content. The notation vector+i generates machine code that starts at location vector, adds i to the address, and then uses the contents at that address. While the result is the same, the generated machine code is different. This difference is rarely of significance to most programmers. There is a difference when the sizeof operator is applied to an array and to a pointer to the same array. Applying the sizeof operator to vector will return 20, the number of bytes allocated to the array. Applying the sizeof operator against pv will return 4, the pointer’s size. The pointer pv is an lvalue. An lvalue denotes the term used on the lefthand side of an assignment operator. An lvalue must be capable of being modified. An array name such as vector is not an lvalue and cannot be modified. The address assigned to an array cannot be changed . A pointer can be assigned a new value and reference a different section of memory. Consider the following:

    c pv = pv + 1; vector = vector + 1; // Syntax error

    We cannot modify vector, only its contents. However, the expression vector+1 is fine, as demonstrated below:

    c pv = vector + 1;

    Installing Hare on FreeBSD

    There is a port hare-lang, but as Drew DeVault answered my question "Just want to know - is this port official hare distribution and is it updated?":

    "We do not maintain downstream packages. It's official if that's an official source for your distro."

    So I found a good manual on how to do this from repos:

    There are 4 total things you need to install to get Hare working on FreeBSD, 2 pre-requisites and 2 Hare packages. It's possible that you already have the pre-requisites setup, in which case you can skip the step, but they are uncommon enough that I'm including them here.

    I did the installation in a fresh jail for isolation, but of course you can install where ever you like, the steps are the same.

    Initial setup

    First you'll need git:

    pkg install git

    Since we're installing from source, we need somewhere to put the source, so I created /usr/local/src

    mkdir -p /usr/local/src cd /usr/local/src

    Now we can start building packages.



    QBE is a compiler backend used by Hare.

    First clone the repository:

    git clone git:// cd qbe

    Then build and install:

    make make install cd ..


    scdoc is a man page generator, first clone:

    git clone cd scdoc

    scdoc uses syntax in its Makefile not supported by BSD make so you'll need gmake:

    pkg install gmake

    Then use gmake to build and install:

    gmake gmake install cd ..


    Now with the prereqs you can install Hare itself, first the bootstrap compiler:

    git clone cd harec

    Copy the FreeBSD config from the configs folder:

    cp configs/

    Then build and install:

    make make install cd ..

    Last up is the main package:

    git clone cd hare

    Like last time, copy over the FreeBSD build config:

    cp configs/

    Before building, Hare depends on as, an assembler, which you can get from binutils:

    pkg install binutils

    And with that you should be able to build and install:

    make make install cd ..

    Hello world

    First, let's do a simple Hello world.

    ``` echo 'use fmt;

    export fn main() void = { fmt::println("Hello world!")!; };' > main.ha ```

    Which you can now run with the hare run command:

    hare run main.ha

    It will take a second the first time, but you should then see the print out. To build to an executable use the build command instead:

    hare build -o helloworld main.ha ./helloworld

    And that's it, I hope this is helpful for FreeBSD users out there.

    What do you think about Hare programming language?
  • Thank you for benchmark. Python is a player, lol.

    Rust is very overhyped and I do not accept its syntax, boring. I like C and Hare. I am not a system dev, it's just a hobby, so my opinion can't be proved by solid experience. But I came to C after learning and trying using Rust in a hobby game dev. Hare I like to have in my backpack as an alternative, fresh and developing tool. It is not overhyped and his team are not trying to reach popularity. Just making not bad language. IMHO.

  • What do you think about Hare programming language?
  • Some devs just learn new languages to expand their view or to avoid burnout. Yes, I agree that memory safety is not a problem and all these C-killers suck. Hare is not positioned as a C killer, it can be used together with C.

    And look at today's situation in the industry. Try to say in the Rust community "Rewrite it in C" or suggest some newcomers to write in pure C some app. All these commercial developments smell bulked overhyped technologies that have only one goal - make money for companies and companies support these tech. All job offers do not expect you to be an expert in computer internals or C, or even JavaScript. You just need to know the frameworks.

    All of these bring pure software quality. C will never die, and those who write on it will do. But newcomers need something different and better it will be as efficient as C.

    It is just one point of view...

  • What do you think about Hare programming language?

    What do you think about Hare? I think it takes best from different languages, intentionally or not...

    It is simple like C, but safer, and at the same time allows you to shoot yourself in the foot to take control and make mistakes if you want.

    Example from this blog post two years ago:

    ``` fn io::write(s: *stream, buf: const []u8) (size | io::error);

    // ...

    sum += match (io::write(s, buf)) { case let err: io::error => match (err) { case unsupported => abort("Expected write to be supported"); case => return err; }; case let n: size => process(buf[..n]); yield n; }; ```

    Expression-based syntax and match statements remind me of Rust, but it implemented simpler without options...

    Maybe you already used Hare in your project. Interesting to read your feedback...

    Do you like it? Why?\ Dislike? Why?

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • You can ask about it on the official IRC channel. The creator of the Hare is based there.

  • Will we be writing Hare in 2099? (with Drew DeVault)
  • Using C and other languages is just a choice of tool in particular cases. People who are looking for a C replacement just do not want to accept reality or are hype-driven. You can use C, Hare, and something else at the same time. And Hare is not going to replace C and nobody of the main developers said about it.

  • Will we be writing Hare in 2099? (with Drew DeVault)

    Interview with the creator of the Hare programming language.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Hare has an IRC official channel, but not all have IRC and want to use it. I think that using matrix space/rooms can add life to the Hare community.

  • Should I quit engineering?
  • Thank you for your support. Yes, and new tech is not always good.

  • Should I quit engineering?
  • Almost all what is going on today in commercial development is based on knowing frameworks and existing libraries and is far from engineering. I am working in that 19 years and also feel that am not a true engineer, at least at my job. Yes, I developed my own UI client framework, but who know it, who need it except my company... I am not in the 5% of top world engineers. And you know what I think, I do not care. Do f#$*k off, commercial development. I have hobbies, I learn languages that I like and writing code just for fun, solving problems on codewars. I believe that true thech like C and freebsd, emacs and some other not popular in commercial development programming languages is my way. And yes, I am earning money at my job, but at the same time, as I said, I tell all these overhyped shit "do f#@&k off" and going my own way. That's my life. Have a luck, bro. Find your own path.

  • How to setup debugger for C language?

    How to properly install and set C debugging in Sublime Text?

    Ode to C
  • Why did you forgot Nim? Is it a player?

  • Ode to C
  • Thank you for answer. You helped me.

  • Ode to C

    Personally, I have nothing against the emergence of new programming languages. This is cool:

    • the industry does not stand still
    • competition allows existing languages to develop and borrow features from new ones
    • developers have the opportunity to learn new things while avoiding burnout
    • there is a choice for beginners
    • there is a choice for specific tasks

    But why do most people dislike the C language so much? But it remains the fastest among high-level languages. Who benefits from C being suppressed and attempts being made to replace him? I think there is only one answer - companies. Not developers. Developers are already reproducing the opinion imposed on them by the market. Under the influence of hype and the opinions of others, they form the idea that C is a useless language. And most importantly, oh my god, he's unsafe. Memory usage. But you as a programmer are (and must be) responsible for the code you write, not a language. And the one way not to do bugs - not doing them.

    Personally, I also like the Nim language. Its performance is comparable to C, but its syntax and elegance are more modern.

    And in general, I’m not against new languages, it’s a matter of taste. But when you learn a language, write in it for a while, and then realize that you are burning out 10 times faster than before, you realize the cost of memory safety.

    This is that cost:


    It's time to return to the roots, to the C programming language

    Why am I writing this post? Not because I hope for something or believe in change. These are just words. I could write this at the end, but then you would be looking for answers for me while reading, and I don't need them. They won't change anything.

    So here it is. I don't claim to be a software development guru or a C language expert. I'm just a simple developer.

    Why are we looking for new technologies? Why do we want to be part of a community that is buzzing with new projects? Why do we think that this new programming language will definitely help us create something amazing and truly great and, of course, will make us rich and provide us with a comfortable old age?

    Why are we offered so many courses in so many programming languages and frameworks? Why do we teach what is required for companies that make money from us?

    Why are there a lot of conferences on banal simple things, such as *** framework or ### technology (so as not to offend anyone), and there, with a smart look, newly minted gurus tell us how important it is to be able to transfer the value to the client and how to use certain templates?

    Why do computers become more and more powerful, but programs continue to lag?

    Why, when applying for a job, do we look for a vacancy based on knowledge of a programming language, but find it only based on knowledge of certain frameworks? Is it really difficult for a professional programmer to learn a framework in a week?

    Why do we go into software development with the enthusiasm to create something great, but end up in a situation where we are developing some other catalog or some other digital yo-yo to make money?

    Reason: because we want our passion for programming, our interest, to also bring us income.

    Feature: we do not earn this money for ourselves, but for companies whose main goal is to quickly receive income from the software they sell.

    Bugs: posts like this one.

    Humble advice for those who want to switch to game development

    There are a lot of questions and intentions to move into gamedev from developers who are burnt out at their jobs. And that's okay. From my own experience, I have a couple of pieces of advice that are not very professional.

    1. It won't save you from everything you're so tired of.

    Firstly, game development, like other areas, is full of its own nuances and pitfalls. And given that a person gets used to everything, you will soon find yourself in the same position. It’s better to look at game development as a hobby, a distraction from your main job. Moreover, for the first few years you will still not be able to earn enough to support yourself and your family.

    2. There are no universal tools.

    The main question in any field of programming today is which framework and programming language to learn. Here everyone will choose their own - what they can master. But it’s worth noting that in game development when switching, for example, from web development, you need to understand that you won’t be able to use React or even JavaScript if you want to become a real pro. You have to be willing to study hard. These are low-level languages - C, C++, Rust, and the basics of mathematics and physics, and possibly machine learning. It won't be easy, you just have to keep going. Take a break and study further. There is no need to strive to immediately choose the top and most complex tools; the main thing is to start somewhere.

    3. This is a market with tough players.

    If you think that you can create a game in a couple of months and immediately start making money, then this is not so. Of course, you can try, but the network is already full of low-grade content, and sometimes you just wonder about the mental health of the “creator”. I think it’s better to create one project, but ideal, adequate and interesting.

    4. Hype is temporary, and you only live once.

    Lots of technologies, engines, etc. surrounded by a lot of hype. This is not bad for the creators of these things, but if you run after the clouds, you will never get anything done. Let your achievements be modest, but they will be yours. This will save you from burnout at your main job, otherwise there will only be dissatisfaction with yourself.

    Add your own...

    Rust vs C

    Without any ::prelude and some void* arguments. Maybe you have thoughts about it.

    The URL is just a sample of "why" but not "because".

    I have my own preference but will keep it inside my mind to not burn a tornado that will erase me from the matrix of the world.

    P.S.: I think C is faster, more powerful, and more elegant. I like it more than Rust.


    modev modev
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