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2 yr. ago

  • There were a few interesting books published in 1985 by TSR prior to 2nd Edition. Legends and Lore, Unearthed Arcana, and Oriental Adventures.

  • Legends and Lore was 2e.

    The 1985 2nd printing of L&L (where the name was changed and the Lovecraft items were removed) was still under 1st Edition rules. That's the copy I have.

    Was Legends & Lore really originally a 1st edition book?
    Yes. Legends & Lore was originally a reprinting of Deities & Demigods with a new title and cover. It was later recast into a 2nd edition book. The 2nd edition version contains new content.


  • I might still have all the basic D&D rulebooks from Basic through Immortals, however they're no longer in their boxes.

  • IIRC Cthulu was in there. However I have Legends & Lore, not Deities & Demigods. Basically the same book, except TSR changed the name because "the devil."


    I did not recall correctly. The Lovecraft stuff isn't in the 2nd printing.

  • I still have almost the entire first edition library of these at my brother's house. I need to get them back.

  • I had a 6, and that bending thing was entirely blown out of proportion. I had no problems keeping it in my back pocket, yet YMMV.

  • Ukraine's done this with store bought drones, plastic explosives, and some knowledge of frequency communication to get past Russian jammers. AP published an article on Ukraine's drone operation rather recently.

  • It's about to sink McCarthy's career. He gave too much ground to the Freedom Caucus when he was elected to Speaker. Now he's absolutely accountable to a minority of House Republicans that decide their own policy behind closed doors. The GOP can't even lead a functioning government amongst their own party. They're a laughing stock made tragic by the millions affected by a government shutdown.

  • They rejected their own funding bill. That's leadership at its finest.

    This will be great when the credit standing of the U.S. is downgraded yet again.

  • Fun fact...

    Cleopatra the VII's era, which was in 49 BCE is closer to our time than the estimated construction of the pyramids in 2500 BCE.

  • "I have been unfairly sued by the Trump Hating Democrat Attorney General of New York State, Letitia James, over the false fact that I inflated my Financial Statements in order to borrow money from Banks, etc..."

    Trump has measured himself by lining up assets against liabilities for his entire adult life. In his 1987 bestseller, The Art of the Deal, he recalled his net worth when he graduated from college ("perhaps $200,000," probably the only time he ever low-balled his stash), publicly memorializing a benchmark for measuring his future success.

    He added three and almost four zeroes to that figure during the 1980s as a tabloid caricature. As "The Donald" he honed the art of net worth lobbying. Financial summaries would arrive at the FORBES offices, often on gilded Trump-embossed letterheads for extra pop. "We soon learned to take the number he threw out to us for his net worth, immediately divide it by three and refine it from there," remembers Harold Seneker, who ran The Forbes 400 for the first 15 years of its existence. And, indeed, the "divide by three" rule seemed to hold throughout the 1980s, including 1988, when we pegged him at an even $1 billion. The Donald, not content with his new billionaire status, countered with $3.74 billion.

    Trump has admitted to doing this time and time again...amazing he can continuously dupe his supporters on Truth Social.

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  • I don't know, honestly all the prosecution showed as evidence were possessions. Proof would be financial records or other documentation that shows a chain of custody of those possessions and money.

    Jury is still out. Doesn't look good, however I'd reserve judgement until new things come to light.

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  • ...and then brushed aside by the US Gov?

    Hey now, Trump touched the sacred Saudi orb. After that it was hopeless to do anything about the atrocities committed by the House of Saud.

  • Politics

    Trump argues First Amendment protects him from 'insurrection' cases aimed at keeping him off ballot

  • C'mon, your entire childhood? A bit dramatic there.

  • I highly doubt he's making public appearances any longer. Last year he made one public appearance after he was diagnosed with aphasia. Now it looks as if his family is making apperances to update people on his condition. So I figure it's highly doubtful he's approached constantly.

  • The only people I've spoken to who really understand what a family goes through are ones who have experienced it as well. We knew it was a possibility with our mom, because our great aunt had dementia. My mom made arrangements, yet I'll be damned she fought implementing those arrangements tooth and nail. She knew something was happening to her, and she became stubborn; wouldn't go see a doctor because more than likely she was afraid to hear what she already knew.

    Ulitmately she went into the hospital for an unrelated matter, and was finally diagnosed. Yet by that time the disease was well underway. There wasn't much to do except setup care and eventually hospice about four years after her diagnosis. She passed away late last year.

  • Yeah, that was entirely the intent of ushering in a think tank's neoconservative military agenda. The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) had a list of signatories that included Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, Gingrich, and Cheney; all determined to bring the United States into the 21st century prepared to fight micro-wars on several fronts.

    Their manifesto (authored a few years prior to 9/11) referred to the fact they'd need "a Pearl Harbor type event" to usher in these changes to military organization and deployment to move away from "cold war thinking."

    The attack in NYC gained them political favor to implement these changes, go after Iraq, Iran, and North Korea (hence the Axis of Evil), and let the events of Iraq Part II unfold. It was sickening watching it unfold, and people ate that WMD shit up like it they were hooked on meth.

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