iriyan @ iriyan Posts 3Comments 95Joined 2 yr. ago
Is there a way to trace big-pharma money to WHO decision makers? Have there been any reports on discovering such "flow"?
Isn't it obvious that all "medical advise" on addictive legal substances is pressure on a huge market to shift to psychotropic medication for which profitability is 100s of times more controllable?
The more they squeeze the population (nearly 30%) away from cigs, alcohol, and street drugs, the more they gain in anti-depressants. And there seems no effort what so ever to squeeze the street drug addict population away from anything, seriously!
The WHO just wants a piece of the pie, and the more they act like this the more likely you will see the US becoming best friends with WHO elite again. So the blackmail worked!
Susan Singer can give you a clue
There can never be capitalism without corruption, it is the nature of the system, so get over it and find a valid rational argument
Sane idiots that defend democracy in Venezuela were very happy with the violent overthrow of a truly democratic government in Ukraine, killed, persecuted political opposition, forced elected officials into exile, banned half the political parties, and incorporated a neo-nazi brigade financed by the CIA as part of Ukraine's military. Zelensky's term had been up for a long while and refuses elections. But Maduro is the bad guy we should be concerned about. Ukraine's largest oil/gas co. was run and mostly owned by Biden's son. BBC and CNN said the majority of people were pro-NATO/EU, even though the majority had voted for the toppled government that opposed NATO and EU memberships.
No, these people are not naive, or childish, they are paid propaganda trolls just as the US blog is. If election results haven't been published how did this blog get its data? Wild imagination?
massive oil resources American oil companies would be able to access
Most of them claim the oil was theirs and Chavez took it away from them and nationalized the oil industry. I am surprised they have survived as long as they did. Venezuela's prime oil market had always been the US, who else could buy so much oil?
US Oil companies own right to explore all the deposits in gulf of "Mexico" for decades. Mexico gets a tiny rent for this and government officials burn it all up between them.
So your problem with Maduro's government is that is corrupt, and which Venezuelan or any other government hasn't been corrupt? Chavez and Maduro 's crimes are summarized by taking back the stolen resources (oil) that was handed to US/EU oil cos. Whether the people saw a benefit from this or not you must be in Venezuela now and before Chavez to realize the difference. Hardly anyone disputed that for the bottom third of the population Chavez was a saint that treated them like humans instead of slaves. And that is what the US/EU governing officials and the oil company media are jumping up and down about. They want their oil back. Isolating them from markets to sell oil, to purchase equipment for drilling and refining oil, has had its economic effects. They have too much oil and nowhere to sell it to, and when they do they can't buy anything from international markets as they are blocked by US/EU. BRICS has been the only alternative but half of BRICS don't even need oil.
99% of the most vicious military dictatorships in Americas were sponsored, supported, and held up by the US as part of their anti-communist activity. Suddenly they are all concerned about Venezuela's quality of democracy. The largest Spanish speaking media outfits in the Americas are owned subsidiaries of US media corporations, do you really expect people to have an educated views of who to vote for?
People are not under sanctions, and no linux developer worked for the Russian government, and since when has a war affected who works on what open source project. There are wars all over the place all the damn time ..
I am not talking about the sanctions, I am talking about the additional remarks on how nationalist and racist both the leaders of the project appeared to be from their statements.
Clearly the vast majority of propaganda against Venezuela is for being one of the largest producers of oil in the world and among the very few that US/UK/NL based oil companies do not absolutely control, or control the sale of. About human suffering, poverty, hunger, "inequality", even the most conservative of Americans are not buying this pseudo-concern. The US along with its W.Euro puppets has spread nothing but misery to the rest of the world in the past 75 years, or should I say 100s.
On the other hand, trying to be objective on Venezuela apart from its electoral politics, after decades the impotent brainless militarists leading the government should have lost their illusion of being able to freely sell oil in the global market in exchange for food and other industrial supplies. At least for food, and it is not hard, to have developed mechanisms of autonomy, to have an abundance of food for export as well. For this, and this autistic relevance to oil exchange economy, they are inexcusable.
For sure during Chavez the gaps of the class differences between the very poor and the very rich or affluent have been narrowed, even anti-Chavez/Maduro advocates will admit to this. Shelter, working conditions, health care, salaries for the poorest of Venezuelans have been dramatically improved, the mid-upper-mid class is having issues, they are not as happy as they were being servants of US/UK/NL oil companies. Now they have to work for a living ... irrelevant what they want.
This blend of socialized everything free-market of food and supplies has made Vz into a static problem unwilling to adopt. The excuse that the US mandated blockade of markets and resources is the cause of all evil is admission that their hybrid ideology is bankrupt. With such abundance in power, with plenty of water and rich soil, a sea full of fish, and with abundance of technological/scientific aptitude Vz should have been an aspiration model for the poor world. Instead and by comparing power deficits all they are is an aversion to escape dependence to capitalist markets. If Venezuela can not do it, nobody can.
Are you using one sided propaganda rags as reference to uphold your ideation of legitimate elections, when all international watch credited them as legitimate? Where is the anti-capitalist party in the US or most EU countries who have legitimate elections?
A few months ago (Oct 18 2024) Linus and his sidekick signing the kernel, not only admitted they were going to comply with US Stat.Dep. doctrine and remove developers (on long term good standing) on the basis of nationality and national origin of the employers, they exploded into a rant, clearly admitting to being nationalist and in distrorting history to fit their rhetoric. In greenwashing nationalism (you can say racism underlying this national hate speech) into the base of most open and free code, nationalism now is not free as in beer it is free as in "freedom"? This is as large of a difference as socialism and ethno-socialism.
The linux community .. the end user ... DOESN'T give a damn, only wants the latest and badest of development in his gaming machine.
Once you make a slip and slide exception you can't prevent any more in the future. First will be "justified nationalism", then "not so justified racism", then "sexism", then will be the gas chambers for anyone who forks anything away from Führera (Fedora + Führer).
If using any kernel later than 10 18 2024 I see it as the nationalist/racist fork. I expect the original to continue by developers who don't use race/ethnicity/gender as a basis for accepting/rejecting contributors.
When you ask such a question within the circle making the decision you get a few defensive answers and then you get a storm of fan-boys/dogs defending their masters' choice. Objectiveness tends to get lost in a discussion on who is asking and their mother.
So I thought of asking in a more neutral environment, and reddit r/linux is not it.
freerdp xrdp if on X11
Maybe it is time to try something without systemd and since you liked pacman then artix obarun joborun ... parabola hyperbola (if you are into strict free software) may be good bets.
In order for MS and Apple/ios to block people from booting linux on "their" machines, they came up with the secure-boot scheme. Commercial puppets and traitors of open free software rushed to be part of the scheme so all the rest of the linux distributions couldn't boot but their systems could.
Now we are accused of being elitists and not alarm new users of true garbage distributions?
If anyone is stuck trying to disable secure-boot and couldn't it is their own damn fault for buying garbage machines. Gigabyte (not Gigabit) has created some monstrosities of bios software that look like a video game and it is hard to count in how many places you have to disable the crap in order to boot open and free linux.
Battery: dead --> 2 senarios 1 Battery shows the right voltage but can't retain much charge, the voltage drops right away with a small load. 2 Battery can still have capacity to be charged but never reaches the required voltage.
In both cases, 2 separate reasons for battery problem, the battery is useless for what is needed.
If a battery is rated at 4amph and it is 99% discharged (dead), and it takes 4hr to fully charge then it is charging at 1amp/h, at 2amph it would charge in 2hrs. Why do you actually want to know the number of Amps passing through? It may further confuse you if you read your charger is rated at 2amph and is only charging at 1.7amps
2amps at 5V = 10W, and 4amph of 4.4V = 17..6Wh
acpi vattery battctl can all provide some relevant info, but basically it is simple formulas of volt x amp x time = power/Wh measurements. The software may actually confuse you more as things in charging, discharginj and rates are not very linear and understood outside physics and practical electronics.
For example, some software will tell you your battery is at 0, when in fact the battery may be 18% charged. A battery for example rated at 4.4V may actually show 4.6 when fully charged, When it begins to fall off given the load it is presented by the machine, the voltage may drop below a threshold the manufacturer considers safe, say 4.1V, and therefor the machine shuts down.
Take the battery out and measure it and it shows 4.38V but give it a load, say a small 4-5V light bulb (a resistance) and it drops to 4.05V. Plug the charger on and measure it, it shows 5.0V Weird? No, this is how it works, car, motorcycle, e-bike, laptop or vaper. A 12V battery for a car that unplugged shows 12V, it is nearly dead. A tiny moped battery may show 12.6V, if you try to crank a V8 engiine with it will drop to 0.4V and it would stilll be pretty well charged, for the moped. A 12.3V from a boat may crank that V8 car engine like when it was new. + You have a large tank of 200lit and at the bottom through a pipe you measure 5psi, you have a little tank with 4.1psi, you connect them and there is flow, till the flow stops from the large tank to the little one and both have 4.6psi, no flow. Exchange psi for V and this is what a charger does. Take 5 lit off of the large tank, it still shows 4.59V, take the same from the little tank and it drops to 3.9V/psi. A boat 100amph battery can charge many 4.4V batteries at little loss, and the transfer works just like tanks equalizing each other through pressure in the transfer pipe.
If a battery shows as fully charging at very little time and lasts very little time is either on a machine with a short or the battery is dead. Fast charging is never as good as slow low rate charging, because: Fast charging tends to heat up the battery, when the battery gets hot it gives a false reading of higher voltage telling the charger it is full, when if you let it cool, it may take more charge. Trickle charging is best, charge, pause, recharge, pause, recharge, at lower rates keeping the battery cool.