imperialcoder @ imperialcoder Posts 2Comments 24Joined 2 yr. ago
your totally right! at the time I thought I was comfortable with myself but looking back its been a rough journey to realize I never really did. part of me thinks thats the religious aspect of my past haunting me on top of being treated horribly by my extended family in the past. thank you for the great advice
I should have just ended it there, you're totally right. sadly at the time I felt like since we where coworkers I had to keep it friendly. thanks for the advice
you're absolutely right, I've been finding that out a lot in therapy recently. I've always tried to be impartial and always give people a chance as I've had really good friends in my life who've gone through some tough shit, but I tend to forget my own needs a lot of the time. Thanks for the wisdom, appreciate it
nice wallpaper! love the color scheme too