hperrin @ hperrin @lemmy.ca Posts 0Comments 377Joined 3 mo. ago
Only several thousand? There was a guy when I worked for Facebook who pushed a config change incrementing a timeout from 5 seconds to 30 seconds in the caching layer. Config changes roll out instantly. Brought down all of Facebook for about two hours. Probably cost them many millions. I mean, good for him.
It’ll be interesting to see how the media companies deny that this is an open admission of genocide.
Conservatives don’t believe in reality, and they’d sooner let their false beliefs kill them than give them up.
Gross. I don’t want them owning any IP.
According to the law (the thing that determines if something is or isn’t illegal) it’s illegal. Zuck is a criminal.
If you were being an asshole, and someone called you out on it, and you quit over that, I can’t imagine you’d be missed.
Imagine the USPIS arresting Musk and Trump. Maybe the postal cops can do what should have been done years ago.
How long until someone fucks it?
If you’re white-cis-het-male, and obey all gender norms, obviously. Oh also rich.
Musk has been just making up numbers his entire life.
Femboys are we
I used to feel like this about email, so I made my own email service. Try it out: https://port87.com/
I feel like most people hate email because email services stopped innovating like 15 years ago.
I mean, they didn’t try making a good game store.
This guy is such a dickhead.
Finally, something we can all agree on:
I mean that’s all well and good, but when you have to bike 140 miles in one day, you’ll be on your bike for a while, whether you like it or not.
A comfortable (well padded) bicycle seat becomes a lot less comfortable after you’ve been sitting on it for several hours. Like, painful, and possibly dangerous.
An uncomfortable (only contacts your sit bones) saddle stays pretty much the same if it fits you right.
They make comfortable seats, but you’re not supposed to sit on them for very long.
That being said, no bike seat is comfortable after 11 hours on it…
You’re a hero.
Powerful computers and algorithms.