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Grebgreb [he/him, they/them]
Grebgreb [he/him, they/them] @ Grebgreb
5 yr. ago

  • I remember that thread and if I was going to do this it'd be with this method. Maybe it'd be feasible to swap out the cooler or forge the little serial number sticker on the actual card?

  • Yeah compared to the Gta 4 trailers it's pretty weak, even V's trailer was better though the game itself wasn't very good.

  • Its the anime MMORPG without being an MMO thank god

    So can it be reasonably played like a solo game? Is it just like Poe where mmo is slapped on it needlessly?

  • Martial classes were consistently strong at launch. Githyankis get multiple good items and one origin character gets a few unique things. Most casters get utility spells.

  • I think that was someone else at an atheist convention if I'm thinking of the right thing

  • Amazing Atheist fun fact: there is a video of him shoving a banana up his ass. A few years ago he tweeted something that Jk Rowling saw and somehow she became aware of the banana video. A billionaire may have seen a video of a youtuber shoving a banana up his ass because of her obsession with twitter.

  • It is by far the best arpg out there at the moment. It's performance can be worse than it should be depending on hardware. You can copy paste an explored map on an old character to new one, there aren't any randomized maps like in D2 so this is just a quality of life thing rather than a cheat.

    There are 2 stats called offensive ability and defensive ability that are very important, they determine your chance to hit, be hit, crit, and receive a crit.

  • Might be some java thing, I experienced practically the same thing in Zomboid a few years ago. When I went to make a bug report it just fixed itself so I never figured out what caused it

  • This is my stance too as someone who has been trapped in an american suburbs for most of my life. My parents stopped actually "parenting" more or less when I was like 10 so I just turned to xbox and runescape, nothing to do outside beyond my yard since it was just made for cars. When I realized it was a problem there wasn't anything I could do, everything was still car dependent and my parents pretty much just argued and zoned out in front of the tv. I think my nephew is going through the same thing, except he has an ipad now and pretty much every time I see him he's coughing.

  • look at what they need to achieve a fraction of our power

  • Day 1 is earlier than day four, ‘punk’

    You’re just a poseur ass that wants to defend the toxic hellhole that site became because people like you turned it into that

    I got ganged up on multiple times until I just stopped showing up. Came back once, made a post and was immediately accused of being an interloper of some type, despite creating my account on the site the first day it was opened after we floated from Reddit to discord to the site.

    Defend it all you want, the place turned into a shithole.

    New site taglines, this user is absolutely just telling on themselves lol

  • It's really strange how that sub has such a problem with this site.