I made a better solution in my post that works perfectly... and is better for me because it isn't a script (I don't like adding additional dotfiles) sorry for the unnecessary effort.
Do foss models really matter? I'm pro foss and think proprietary software should be banned but these weights are essentially a compiled program, we have no idea what they do
and then I have a sink named "game" that I can record from OBS that isolates my audio from the one called game, but also passes that to my speakers, just seems like an easier way to do what you're trying to accomplish with the wireplumber thing. I don't know about if it's the "proper" way but it works for me!
pactl load-module module-combine-sink sink_name='(namehere)' slaves='(put the sink you want to duplicate here)'
Then there will be another sink that's the exact same as the one you set as a slave that you can play audio to and that OBS can record separately, as for getting something to automatically go to that stream, generally you can use this environment variable:
and make a .desktop file or keyboard shortcut that launches the program with that
you can also make the sink names consistent with something like this but adapted to your audio devices in your wireplumber conf:
The real reason for alacritty is that it's my terminal emulator of choice and it needed to run "xclip -o | wl-copy" while in focus, or the clipboard won't update properly.