capem @ capem Posts 0Comments 122Joined 11 mo. ago
Gotta defend those genociders!
Love corporate handouts.
Tax dollars hard at work.
Is it free?
Yes, I have no sympathy for Israelis in Israel who have the means to leave.
That's okay.
The US has them covered 😉👍
I genuinely believe these places should just give homeless people 1-way tickets to Hawaii.
Make it their problem.
Personally, if I was homeless and found out I'm now in debt from the greedy-fuckers who put me there...
I would just take the law into my own hands at that point.
To be fair, even if it did, I could still see it being unconstitutional to the supreme court.
We don't want to admit it, but we kind of weasled our way to ban automatic weapons which is why there is only a "practical" ban instead of an absolute one.
i.e. You can legally own full-auto weapons if you spend the money to do so.
I think it would be very interesting if some right-wingers tried to do something like this but frame it as though you can "only buy handguns/semiautomatics made before a certain date, gotta pay all these fees, etc."
That could force the supreme court to look at whether the original "ban" on automatics is actually constitutional.
I agree with you wholeheartedly.
He's just gonna be a punk to the gangbangers like in El Salvador before the crackdown.
I hope you can fight!
This will never get past the Supreme Court because it is blatantly unconstitutional.
Nice job wasting money posturing for your base, colorado democrats.
You're just like the grifters in florida.
Tesla single handedly showed an alternative to oil-based vehicles with an absolutely superior machine.
EVs were around before Tesla. Tesla just made them cool because dudebros got suckered into investing in it.
TBF, Musk's saneness should have no impact on your car-buying decisions.
Get the best product for the money you spend.
If I was Musk, I honestly wouldn't give a shit at this point.
He's wealthier than any of you can ever hope to be. I'm sure if his businesses fail he can still live a better life than any of you, too.
I'll believe that when rich people get sent to the front lines.
And they have the full support of Joe Biden.