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What to expect from the upcoming Senedd / Welsh parliament reforms
  • Agreed. although my worry with the closed-list system is that it makes parties, not people, the main thing we vote for. This feels like a barrier to entry for independents, and a way of propping up the power of established parties. It also feels like it removes voters' ability to reject a politician that happens to be popular within the party, or to support a more maverick politician who doesn't toe the party line but who resonates with the public.

  • TIL about Aviation biofuel
  • This is greenwashing. Global aviation uses almost 100 billion gallons of fuel per year. If we even began to address a fraction of that with magic new fuels (which won't happen) it would require incredible amounts of growing, and if we had that sort of amount of agricultural capacity available on this planet, capable of producing crops at a price the aviation industry is prepared to pay, we wouldn't have any hunger on the world.

    Don't fall for this. There isn't such a thing as green aviation. I'm not saying there should be no flying, but we can't carry on as we are and magic away the consequences. In particular, don't fall for the snake oil salesmen trying to distract you with appealing non-solutions

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    Is it fair to ask individuals to make significant changes to their lifestyles to combat climate change?"
  • It would have a massive effect. Transport (car) emissions are one of the larger - and growing - sources of emissions.

    And we can't hide behind "But the corporations..." because ultimately what they produce gets used by us.

    So to answer your question: riding a bike when Global Capital wants you to keep buying cars and pumping oil into them is one of the best acts of defiance you can make

  • Bosch ebike ABS Interoperability Opens Up For Blubrake & More with EU Antitrust Ruling
  • If it's a tiny bit of comfort, you probably don't need a new derailleur, just a new cassette with the right spacing. The mech itself will likely work with different cable-pull, as long as you're not drastically changing the number of sprockets on the cassette

  • The EU is a 'monster,' Dutch nationalist leader says, and it mustn't have more power
  • There's a substantial body of research on how mythbusting lies can be counterproductive because as part of doing so, you repeat the lie and this helps people remember it.

    Also, and this is more speculative, but surely there's probably some survivor bias here? There are probably many thousands of populists neither of us has ever heard of because they haven't had their voices amplified.

  • [article] What to do about America’s killer cars
  • Plumbers don't carry massive heavy plant. But I know you were just picking a concrete example of a business there so let's not dwell on that particular case. The real point is that if a business causes damage to the roads that has to be repaired, it should contribute an appropriate amount. If that makes the cost of doing business more expensive, that just has to get passed on to the customer - who, ultimately, is the one having the heavy stuff transported

  • [article] What to do about America’s killer cars
  • Here in the UK, I've seen bloody sushi restaurants and hairdressers drive branded pickup trucks FFS. No tax exemptions for businesses. As another poster noted, the damage is being done and needs to be paid for - it doesn't magically not matter because it was done in the course of somebody using the road for their business

  • Ticketmaster to be investigated by watchdog over 'dynamic pricing' of Oasis tickets
  • Apparently the surge pricing reflected what touts would have charged. Makes you want to grab somebody and shout HOW IS THAT A JUSTIFICATION?! Yeah, and if somebody steals a car they'll sell it to me cheaper than the dealer - so it feels like TM logic means the dealer should sell it to me cheaper too because that's what the black market is priced at?

  • What made everyone move to Bluesky or Threads instead of Mastodon?
  • 2 and 3 are massive. I'm on Mastodon, but am having a much better time on Bluesky. Mastodon is full of gatekeeping and policing and people complaining - Bluesky is just fun and interesting, like Twitter 12 years ago

  • Share of the European Union's GDP in 2023
  • That shouldn't affect GDP - after all, America is much further away and has a bigger GDP than any of these. Indeed, GDP being what it is (a rough measure of total economic activity) I suspect being far away from the hub, like Greece, would likely boost it: think of all the economic activity for your shipping and logistics businesses

  • Elon Musk shares fake news about England rioters being sent to Falklands
  • The thing is, they're now just using platforms owned by Meta and Microsoft, both arguably awful corporations in their own way. Choosing Zuckerberg over Musk is out of the frying pan and into the fire in my opinion. They really should go to Mastodon, I guess?

  • Why do Olympic medalists bite their medals?
  • At this stage it's a trope that people imitate, perhaps without really thinking about it. Originally it was almost certainly an ironic joke about the value of the medals, playing on the old-fashioned bite tests that would be used for for items of dubious worth

  • How do I stop getting the daily workout recommendations?

    I turned on the workout recommendations on my Fenix 6 Pro months ago. I've been hunting through settings on my watch and in the app, but can I find the option again?

    Could anybody put me out of my misery and remind me where the setting is?

    Newbie question: how should I interpret this bit of score?

    It seems that this score is asking me to play the same B with both hands here. I think I've spotted another piece that does this too. How should I approach this? Do I kind of acknowledge that it's indicating a continuation of the left-hand pattern but ignore that B in the left hand at this spot and play it with the right? Thanks in advance

    Smart Lock has disappeared from my Pixel - anyone else?

    I noticed today I was having to use fingerprint unlock every time I wanted to access my 6a, even though normally I use Smart Lock to keep my phone unlocked when it's near my Bluetooth watch. I just checked through the settings and Smart Lock has disappeared, as has on-body detection. Has this happened to anybody else?

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