YourNetworkIsHaunted @ YourNetworkIsHaunted Posts 0Comments 615Joined 11 mo. ago
Honestly the most surprising and interesting part of that episode of Power(projection)Points with Perun was the idea of simple land mines as autonomous lethal systems.
Once again, the concept isn't as new as they want you to think, moral and regulatory frameworks already exist, and the biggest contribution of the AI component is doing more complicated things than existing mechanisms but doing them badly.
Because project 2025 and the mass deportations won't actually solve the problems his base is feeling, and at a certain point this kind of scandal will either be his downfall or his only option to scapegoat someone else.
I know we're trying to cut back on the US politics for the sake of everyone's sanity, but Musk getting sneered by his own confabulator is still pretty good.
I mean, it sounds like they did ask how much it would cost, he just bulldozed through the question instead of seriously engaging with it and legacy media is too chickenshit to report it as "Trump apathetic about costs of deportation plan" or "Mass Deportation to Cost Billions Despite Trump's Claims" because putting the things he says in context makes him sound like the madman he is and apparently truth is no longer sufficient defense from defamation.
Yeah, everyone in the traditional media seems to be even more committed to sane-washing than they were in the lead up to the election.
Though the spike doge got today is definitely in the "laugh to avoid screaming" column.
See, if you just learn about this shit when you're in high school and slowly read and occasionally reread the essays over the course of a decade or so it doesn't seem overwhelming at all!
Yeah. It's not the mole people you've got to worry about, it's the moles, man.
I mean, I think actually having to interact with these loons would be a strong incentive to liberalize their theology which would be a good thing.
Wait hang on you only read 2? I'm disappointed, I put a solid fifteen minutes into googling to find those 11 separate links.
I hadn't thought about it in those terms, but this makes a lot of sense. Especially in a 2-party system the election is inevitably going to be a vibe check on the status quo as much as it is a specific election focusing on specific candidates and policies. I'd like to look more closely at the margins to get a feel for whether the Republicans could have run a ham sandwich and still been successful as opposed to the specific appeal of Trumpism.
Not that that changes how rough the next 4 years are going to get for a lot of people.
You ever have that moment where you hear about a song and only then realize that you had liked 2 or 3 from the same band from radio or recommendations over the years without connecting that it was the same group? Because yeah that just hit me.
Misandry as a concrete power structure that advantages women and disadvantages men? Unlikely, though with the likely resurgence of active patriarchy we should expect to see the negative consequences this has for men, especially non-normative men. Patriarchal masculinity is a game that necessarily has more losers than winners. I'd go so far as to say that some of the more politically-minded incels and MRAs are going to get even louder because while they blame feminism the actual source of the problems they're feeling is patriarchy.
Misandry as a vague cultural meme about men being terrible and the friction that this causes, particularly for men struggling to find a healthy way to exist under patriarchal masculinity as discussed above? Very likely. At the same time while this won't feel good for men it's worth noting that these men are going to be complaining about losing a game where women are game pieces rather than players, which is pretty crappy. Like a king complaining to a pawn about how cruel it is to only move one square at a time without acknowledging that the entire game revolves around them.
I actually have no idea how to navigate this in a healthy way since I've definitely been on the losing end of patriarchal masculinity in ways that while deeply hurtful are very different in kind even if not in scope from the ways that system hurts women.
The sheer speed and consistency with which America's institutions have rolled over if not enabled this kind of authoritarianism once it was backed up by fascist populism has been probably the most disheartening element of this whole election cycle. We've seen the NYT's quiet but inescapable embrace of transphobia and the transformation of the megacorporations fully into vessels for the personal interest of the shareholding/investing/billionaire class. The judiciary was pretty openly packed with loyalists during the first term, and the senate has been lost for, in retrospect, a very long time. It just seems like they've found the right buttons to push to make every single organization that was theoretically supposed to protect us from this kind of regime either stand aside or actively embrace it.
I feel like there are echoes of so much of what we talk about here that come into play here. It's the disastrous consequences of the rot economy and shareholder supremacy not just undermining the tools that could have otherwise helped organize against this but also destroyed even the vague cultural distinction between the political interests of a company and those of its largest shareholders. It's neoliberalism reflecting the rationalist's inability to acknowledge that values are not downstream from facts along with the growing influence of the exact illiberal ideologues that we've tracked for years. I just don't feel like any of that recognition translates into concrete actions I can take to try and keep the people in my life (or even in this community) safe, or at least safer.
Missed opportunity in the headline: superstonkers go super bonkers
I don't blame Saltman for this one, since it's just a more specific version of the general pathology that assumes the markets are basically Gods.
"In our top story today, the rapture has drawn the souls of the faithful into heaven and we have entered what experts are calling a "final tribulation". We're also receiving reports that Dread Cthulhu has awoken from his deathly slumber in his house at R'lyeh, and environmental groups are claiming that increased sightings of wolves and frost giants could herald the arrival of Fimbulwinter and through it Ragnarök.
The stock market, however, seems to be taking the literal end times in stride, with strong performances from Raytheon and other manufacturers countering a downturn in other sectors."
Poland is a legal fiction invented by Russians, Germans, Poles and Lithuanians to disguise the true and righteous destiny of East Dakota.
It makes sense if you consider that Twitter's users are essentially creating the product that is sold to advertisers rather than actually buying a product. Leaving Twitter en masse to try and force a policy change isn't a boycott, it's a strike. And we know how neoliberalism feels about organized labor.
Counterpoint: I have never seen anyone that invested into Diablo who wasn't deeply depressed and hiding from it. The attempt to turn into whatever kind of influencer he is now must have also cost him functional coping mechanisms in addition to the money, reputation, and good will.
If we're gonna do the arrows thing we should at least use a meaningful 2D plane for the vector. Let the X-axis represent the left/right shift but use the Y-axis to represent overall turnout in each district.
I hate how realistic the notion of enduring psychic damage as currency is, especially with the guy's attitude towards crypto.