WHARRGARBL @ WHARRGARBL @lemmy.world Posts 0Comments 68Joined 12 mo. ago
Since 1776, the United States government has violated or broken over 500 Native American and First Nations treaties that were ratified by the senate and signed by the president.
Why would anyone trust a nation with a track record of 249 years of duplicity?
Natalie Torres, who identified herself as a
Economic disaster, environmental disaster, health disaster - Shell’s mission.
Shell says it paid $52 million in taxes, royalties, and fees.
No mention of the state and local government tax credit of $1.65 BILLION for this plant.
It’s been years since I spoke italian, but I used to love listening to the news here:
Goddam UHC. Ever see anyone have an asthma attack? It’s like watching someone drown in air, clawing at their throat and panicking. Just terrifying. Those UHC motherfuckers need a million more Luigis.
When I worked at Apple, we had Mac users demanding that we;
Give them their email passwords, because they get mail on the Mac
Fix their internet, because it’s connected to the Mac
Fix their printers, because it’s connected to the Mac
Erase other people’s Facebook posts, because they appear on the Mac
If you could see on the Mac that you had a life problem, Apple was responsible.
Exactly. Thank you. We want to know what to do, besides donate to d’s. Will anyone organize a resistance? Could our polite, play-by-the-book-that-was-incinerated leaders maybe just push through the play-acting muskovite incel guard and enter the building, thus displaying a fucking spine? I don’t know what to do because I’m not an elected d. But if I was, I’d know I need to do more than throw up my hands.
Then we agree. Rather than watch what’s happening, let’s focus on what action to take.
“Hey, this building is on fire! Stop sitting around asking for money and tell me where to find the extinguisher!”
Can we just focus on the fire?
We are watching the r’s dismantle the government. That’s the problem. My texts and emails are from d’s asking for donations to formulate an idea, but they’re doing nothing else that we can see.
There are over 150,000,000 working age adults in this country who are not registered r’s or leaning r, yet every one of us - including our leaders - are just watching it all go down.
Many of the 150,000,000 would like a plan to take real action.
This is amazing! I never would’ve stumbled across it on my own. THANK YOU!
The Amerikkkaren Fee
Thank you for providing context for Sweden, where this happened, for the fuckers who think USA is global.
Right. It isn’t illegal, afaik. But what’s going on with the CBS 60 Minutes transcripts demand, the investigation into PBS and NPR, and this legitimizing disinformation sites that claim to be news, the agenda is obvious - and it’s straight out of the authoritarian checklist. I believe it’s also laid out in Project 2025?
I’m just struggling with the complete absence of a grassroots plan for the people who oppose where this is going. Is there nothing we can glean from other countries that went through authoritarian or fascist takeover in the past century, so that we can anticipate and effectively resist a USA version of the holocaust?
So what does 21st century resistance look like? It seems that the bystander effect Germany experienced 100 years ago is happening in the USA now. What would have prevented the rise of the Third Reich? Protests are ineffectual, and I have no idea how to organize or resist - I’m just trying to stay informed in a horrified and helpless kind of way, which accomplishes nothing more than my passive complicity.
Do we need a modern Black Panthers movement? If a brilliant and charismatic leader like Malcolm X were to come forward and lead us, would we be inadvertently accelerating the inevitable martial law or creating the excuse for Civil War II Red vs Blue? Is it even feasible to envision an effective plan from a demographic that prefers pacifism?
Centrist Banker Makes Non-threatening Sounds to Garner Support