vane @ vane Posts 1Comments 176Joined 1 yr. ago
I just want to know what I will be doing and they say Java, go, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, or rust and I am like. I don't do compilers.
You wanted green aliens. Here they are. It would be funny if they kill us all in couple of years.
Disus Christ enters chat - because Disney and Jesus are now brothers.
Management issues... I know what can help... Introduce Agile.
People don't appreciate what they have if they have food and place to sleep and full day to do anything they want.
I never understood that, I am the same, worried about things I shouldn't. Ambitious for what ? Earn 10-20% more ? Your mind will tell you "good job", now spend on stupid things to feel better.
Like I have a choice. If I need to find a job I don't have a choice because I am poor. That means It's 99.99 chance I will be poor for the rest of my life. Deal with that and enjoy that you have extra 8-10 hours of your life back because after 20 years of work those might been remembered as best years of your life.
There are many people like you on this planet, miserable, looking for their place, maybe instead of looking for job find them and talk with them, maybe you will find same ideas and build something.
Scared to talk ? Try to write something, I wrote something here.
And look, if enough of you stop looking for a job the job will need to start looking for you because those rich asholes can't do anything themselves and they need lot's of slaves.
That's a lof of information and a lot of time. E=mc2 is just 5 Bytes. I would save couple of currency exchange rates with dates, buy and sell prices.
Something like this:
That's like 41 Bytes.
Leaves me with 983 Bytes so let's say I save 2 more so I am left with 901 bytes.
Bet on broker with highest ledger and withdraw my money. Order private jet or buy plane ticket, get to place with best weather and waves ( just store airport name that's like 6 letters FLY#LAX) and just spend the rest of week there chilling.
Looking at ocean, maybe learn some surfing. Do some hiking, enjoy my life for a week without needing to work.
I can store airports I was before. Like BEEN#LAX#BCN#ASD#ASD#ASD. 900 characters is about 225 airports in format AIR#POR#TXX. That's a lot, given a year have 52 weeks that is 4.32 years of travel saved. So here I am planned my 4 year trip with 1 KB.
If everyone are stuck in loop I don't care, store info to just stay at home, cover windows so noone knows I am here and play games or draw or learn some piano because it's just hell. I have candles and enough food for a week at home so I think I will survive without looking at this shit show.
I would start from removing dollar reserves from european banks. The value of money is only when people believe it have value. So if US money won't have any value Europe won't need US help.
Don't wake up then or just stay in bed because the things behind the save spot are hostile.
Why they need users ? If they operate Firefox by themselves why they not start paying for power usage for hosting Firefox on my machine.
When exactly was this pivotal moment when Google became a cult not a company ?
To look out at the ocean, hear the waves and birds, walk barefoot on the grass, run naked in the rain, climb the mountain, unite with nature.
Cough cough, that's true the biggest cost is salary 17,097,933. But 10 millions are paid to C-Suite and 4mil to contractors who do the job. Just look into the books.
February 19, 2025.
As I have said many times over the last few years, Mozilla is entering a new chapter—one where we need to both defend what is good about the web and steer the technology and business models of the AI era in a better direction.
Apparently there is new era.
Maybe you have this filing because live is anadrome of evil.
Literally anywhere without property taxes so I don't have to earn money to own small piece of land. Just to be able to grow my crops, breed my animals and don't care about anything. Don't have to be big land. Just amount that I can survive without owning any money. That would be nice.
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Maybe young people will abandon internet like we are slowly abandoning newspapers, radio and television. It's just a matter of time when new generation will say they don't want to use tech and want to spend their time elsewhere and nobody will force them not to do it.
All of internet concept is based on belief that without using internet you are missing something. People are hypnotised on missing of the information or message. But does it really matter ? Can you really hypnotize young people that they will die without using internet ? That they will be stupid without using AI ? What if some generation during evolution process will develop anti internet gene. We are living organisms not robots.
100 years ago nobody would believe that you will earn a living by sitting in front of tv with a typewriter yet here we are.
Not far from the truth.
Original 5 minutes reveal from PyCon 2013.
What if Darth Vader and Padmé are brother and sister from two mothers but same father ?