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1 yr. ago

  • First, this was never about your opinion. It was about an article that complained about music being used in advertising, songs being popular, and people being inspired by a band. That was the opinion you cited as a good reason to hate them.

    Second, how often does that actually happen? Considering it's an internet meme to shit on them, how often do people cite Nickelback as their main example of rock ahead of, say, Nirvana?

    Third, why is it disgusting that people mention a band you dislike? Can you not simply correct them and suggest the bands you ACTUALLY like? Does it have to be "hate" rather than "I'm not a fan"?

    Fourth, how the hell did Nickelback ruin rock? Is rock so fragile that the Eagles can't be enjoyed because of "How you remind me" existing? There are bands far worse than Nickelback, but they aren't successful so you don't care. If Nickelback weren't as successful, you wouldn't care about them either.

  • ...But you don't have to listen to it. If it's on the radio, change the station. The complaints in the article were WAY too in depth for a casual listener to make.

  • Why would you hate someone for making music you don't enjoy? Why hate someone for making money with a successful product? Why not just... Ignore them? You are under no obligation to like them, but there's only around three arguments in there to actually hate them. There are more arguments in that article that boil down to "it's successful, so it sucks" than valid criticism.

  • Holy fuck, that article is elitist. Half of the sections seem pointlessly mean, like they're trying to dunk on them to win popularity points. One of them is just insulting Chad Kroeger for marrying Avril Lavigne, as if a 10+ year marriage is a bad thing. Some valid points buried in there, but the credibility is lost.

  • Just off the top of my head, you could give them a flaw that, while it doesn't make them any less cunning, it does let the players see what's happening.

    Method 1: Gloating. What is the point in being a genius if nobody ever notices? When the villain has the party on the ropes, have them point out moments of the plan that the party could have noticed but didn't. Maybe they wait to give the shopkeep the bounty until the party can see it happen, just so they know.

    Method 2: Worse minions. The plan is amazing, but the people carrying it out aren't quite as discrete as the villain. Maybe the security make a little noise as they stalk the party, and there are moments where the players could spot them.

    Either way, the players will know something is up, and might have an opportunity to use this new information to turn the tables on the villain ("might" and "opportunity" being the key words there).

  • Permanently Deleted

  • Well, my opinion is that, since you defend violent public executions but condemn ridicule of yourself, your respect is worthless. And my opinion is that, since you wrote a lengthy condemnation of the entire website because people ridiculed you one time, you are acting very much like a butthurt individual would.

    I know that's just my opinion, but I also gave reasons.

  • Permanently Deleted

  • So, that's a yes, then. You seem to think that defending public execution gives you a higher moral standing than someone calling you names.

  • Permanently Deleted

  • So... You can accept people publically executing people, but people calling you names is a step too far? Am I understanding that right?

  • It's a meme because someone said it, because that person is both a christian and a weeb.

  • Yeah? How else are you supposed to have the power of God and anime on your side?

  • Huh. Fair enough. Still doesn't explain the one, but they might have had one deleted and deleted the other one as a response.

  • That message is only in, but the same post was made in and there's no message like that at all. It's possible one was deleted and the other was removed, but it's also possible that that is a different post entirely. You'd need to ask the poster.

  • You'd have to ask that guy, I suppose. He posted it to two different communities, and neither community's modlog show that post being deleted by a mod, so they definitely removed it themself.

  • Preteen me was bad at Japanese.

  • The correct plural is whatever word you say that people understand as meaning more than one octopus. That's how language works.

  • I would actually recommend ! instead. The admins of are weirdly hostile towards anime, but is an anime-specific instance.

  • "What are the most vile things you would do if there were no consequences?" That's all you need. Everything else didn't need to be there, and still doesn't.

    You are actively making this post terrible.

  • You already edited three times, once to complain about people not liking the question. You have the time to respond to me, you have the time to fix your mistake. The fact you aren't makes everything you're doing intentional.

  • You had a short question! The only reason it didn't fit is you wanted to add too much context ahead of time and MADE it not fit. The context could have come after.

  • Ironic that you say to use real words, yet you use slang initialisms frequently. But it's fine, because those are things that you understand. It's only a problem if people younger than you say stuff that you personally don't understand yet, right?