Sharpiemarker @ Sharpiemarker Posts 0Comments 285Joined 2 yr. ago
- The new framework put forth by the NLRB only went into effect in late 2023 (November/December).
- It requires a majority of employees to want to form a union.
- The NLRB intends to force Starbucks to reopen the 23 stores they closed. This news is from last month, so it's still pretty recent.
I agree that when the penalty is a fine, it's just the cost of doing business, but it appears that the NLRB are attempting to go another route.
Just a heads up, the NLRB has taken an aggressive stance against companies that refuse to allow their employees to unionize.
So when a company has a positive response to unionization, just keep in mind that they don't really have any other option but to "grin and bear it" so to speak.
Time to contact Seagate customer support
Does it have to be roof-mounted?
I'll defer to your expertise
I'm assuming incest was a kink in Japan then too. Probably the same kind of porn niche.
No, I just don't want Boeing to open a warehouse in Uttar Predesh. I'd rather they open a warehouse in the US, where jobs are needed and where they'll be forced to pay employees a decent wage. And their tax revenue goes to support US citizens. Not somewhere that tolerates even worse human rights for women and children.
Propagandists gonna propaganda
Yep. Mutually Assured Destruction.
Some countries will use the threat of nuclear war to get what they want. But what they want often involves still being alive afterwards. Putin, like the rest of the leaders of countries with nuclear arms, knows that a nuclear strike demands a nuclear response. There is no other option and unfortunately the whole world suffers as a result.
Cool, let's open a warehouse in the city where all the violence against women happens. Maybe employ some of these guys that put women to death for being raped.
OP loves adidas
Ok, but don't be so enthusiastic about it next time.
You must be my age
some fellow members have been compromised.
You don't say?!
I always joke about threatening kids when they're behaving badly with a 64th (or so) trimester abortion.
Only men use Lemmy?
Lol got em!
AP mumu was the real surprise.
Biden isn't a law enforcement official. He's not a DA. He's not a police officer. He doesn't have the ability to have you arrested. I suspect Abbott knows this, but his constituents are too fucking stupid to understand the difference.
I have this meme saved on my phone because it's both timeless and so often appropriate.