Serialchemist @ Serialchemist Posts 4Comments 28Joined 2 yr. ago
I noticed, and I appreciate the effort you put in.
Betta fish - just make sure to give them a few gallons of water in which to swim, a filter for their poo and a heater in their tank to keep them comfortable year round.
A blend of cream cheese, ricotta, and Parmesan with imitation truffle oil.
It’s from Aldi, so that’s why I confidently state it has no real truffle content.
Thank you! After a few days of difficulty logging in and assuming I was going something wrong, I thought I’d check the site directly.
I was able to fix it by deleting and reinstalling the app.
Also conflicted: I don’t think the disruption itself is a bad thing if it’s disrupting a part of society that derives benefit from the whatever is being protested against.
That said, I’m not sure how disrupting traffic in Los Angeles is going to affect the change they want to see. You can’t get much further from Washington DC than the West Coast.
One of them shows his criminal gang identification featured on his chest…
The other is a guy being forced to expose his nipples to the world.
This is an awesome idea. I’m very intimidated by the mortgage process - so maybe a walkthrough of what that is like and what to expect?
The digital version has been available for purchase for a few weeks. It’s just now getting to Disney+ so you don’t have to buy it.