I do this. However, you need to connect using the WhatsApp client every 12 days just to keep it "alive" otherwise WhatsApp servers sign the bridge out.
"Lead, follow or get out of the way."
Ahhh... very good. I avoided all this by running Pihole on its own IP on the LAN using a bridged interface from the host.
This post from Stack Exchange might help you, switching 80 for 53, of course.
Yep. Works very well.
Stuck on Let's Encrypt certificate issuance due to firewall issue even after opening necessary ports
You don't need UDP on port 80 forwarded through. HTTP is TCP only.
Very nice.
And it's self-hostable.
Self-recharging? The world needs more of this mysterious technology.
Jim'll fix it.
The Openboard fork just renamed itself to Heliboard. Great app.
It's the one they're replying to.
Nextcloud does all of this.
Pi-hole FTW.