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6 mo. ago

  • Who doesn't?

    I go a bit farther than most people and bring disinfecting wipes to wipe down before and after I use the machine. After seeing a gym employee pour half of one cleaning spray bottle into another and fill them both with water from the drink fountain, I decided I didn't trust gyms to have proper cleaning supplies.

    By the time I die I will probably have spent a full gym's worth of equipment in wipes, but for now I still can't afford a home gym outside a couple free weights.

  • You have to follow up any looks or double takes with something exra.

    "Oh don't worry. That's for after." wiggles eyebrows

  • "I carried my equipment out to the car"


    "I schlepped all my brothers' crap out to the car again"


    When I was young and naive about digital things, I had NO BACKUP

    One day I got a new laptop. Yay me. Transfer all the data from my old hard drive using some jank-ass local network setup because young and dumb about tech still.

    Six months go by, and my new laptop shit itself. Still no idea what happened, but it BSODd and a factory reset got it working again.

    I still had my old laptop, so after about a week of searching on forums and reading everything I could find about how to build a pc, how laptop internals compare, data transfers, and literally anything I could so I could pull the old hard drive out without damaging anything and get at least some of my data without issue...

    I lost 6 months of new stuff on a much more capable laptop, but it's better than losing EVERYTHING.

  • It’s the eternal pointless chase for a meaning that was never there and never will.

    So.... Life.

  • "just as good"

    Lol no it isn't. You never say "just as good" when something really is.


    Not only is it still GOOD for them, it looks nice too. 20% more than nothing is better than nothing.

  • Honestly I was kind of expecting a color stripe or something.

    There's no such thing as "striking new design" with smartphones outside of some gimmicks.

  • I legitimately thought she had died on my first watch, and that the crew were basically raising Naomi as a village.

    Star Trek didn't do recurring characters very well... Except Q and Lwaxana.

  • Having done exactly 0 research, I going to assume it's one of those "DO NOT PRESS OKAY UNLESS YOU ARE EXPERIENCED AND KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING" and someone went "pffft I know what I'm doing. click now what does this option do..."

  • It would have cost you nothing to not post this.


    Haven't I suffered enough?

  • because he’s gonna be set for life.

    Lolololololol no

    He will sue, the state will settle for 20mil and then quietly cancel the settlement payment after people move on from the story.

    That's what they always do.

  • "meet me in the middle", says the Unjust Man.

  • If I die without saving someone else in the process I lose a bet.

    And ma didn't raise a loser.

  • I can hate both.

    The CEO just lets me add a face to the ire.

  • Jokes on you, my knife cost me $40 in steel, wood, brass, and sanding belts because I make my OWN knives for my cooking.

    You know, I think I might just have two hobbies and one saved me money on the other....

  • In my experience most adults can boil pasta.

    ... And boil it.... And boil it..... And DEAR GOD TAKE IT OFF THE STOVE AND DRAIN IT BEFORE IT BECOMES MUSH!

  • "throwing together a quick meal" should have it's own word.

    "cooking" to me implies you're working on something worth the time it takes, something you want to put effort into.

    But when I just got home, nothing is easy to make and I have to throw something quick together, it doesn't feel like really cooking to me. Like im half assing it, it should have a half-assed name.

  • The difference between "cooking" and "hobby cooking" :

  • It kind of reads like the thought process of someone who just woke up, too.

  • This implies it's falling on its own.

    There should be a mass of red hats trying to push it over.