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2 yr. ago

  • This. Throwing your trash on the ground because you can't find a trash can amounts to childish entitlement in my eyes.

    No trash cans in the forest, is OP saying they just litter all through nature when they go camping?

  • Say you're racist without saying you're racist there, Ford. Yikes.

  • When I got into computers the tech that trained me in my first coop placement in high school told me, on day one, "Anyone who ever tells you they know everything about computers is an idiot."

    Still resonates with me today and I always tell juniors the same.

  • Meanwhile Western leaders are still putting their fingers in their ears going "Nah nah nah, this is a war between neighbours"

    How many foreign nations need to out boots in Ukraine on Russia's side before NATO wakes the fuck up to the fact that WW3 has begun, exactly? 10?

  • Not really, and I'm over it. Couldnt really get people to move away from Meta products either. I just do what is best for me and my family's privacy without waiting for all my friends to join me. Plenty of cool people here.

  • How about freedom to live in a quiet neighbourhood and sleep without a ton of noise and excessive light glaring through your windows?

    I love Christmas lights but there is a line of respect for your neighbours and no one has the right to just do whatever they want without regard for others. A truly free society means balancing your freedoms with respect.

  • Yeah I'm thinking about fuse filesystems and hotplugged USB keys though. There was a time when the feedback about devices being ready to unplug was bad for users.

    This answer suffered the fog of time. Never needed it with the unmount command.

  • Uhm, been a while since I had to think of this but pretty sure you used to need to do that the other way around. Sync before unmount, else things may still be being written to disk.

  • Same, zero cats.

  • And with inflation, I can't afford to tip. If I to go to a bar I budget for it, but these minimum tip barriers preventing me from tipping without breaking the bank lead to me saying no tip if they wont allow me to customize it.

    That said I go to a bar once a year now because of the cost. I mostly hit this BS on the rare occasion I need to drive my wife to a doctors appointment and I stop at Starbucks or the closest coffee shop and get a brewed coffee. They take thirty seconds to pour a cup and pass it to me and then expect a 25% tip. Meanwhile their CEO flies his personal jet to work everyday.

    I tip at bars because servers are providing an experience. But even then, if i cant get the persons attention for half the night, and they are just on their cellphone talking to the bartender... no tip. I worked in bars. I watch. I reward good service. I wont reward half-assery.

  • You're not really grokking what I stated. No one should ever rely on tips. They should rely on a fair wage. Tips are a thank you, a gratuity, and no one owes them to anyone. The rich bastards not paying a living wage and turning this into an "us vs them" discussion are the problem here, as is the mindset of tips being earnings.

    Eat the rich, not your clientelle.

  • You don't work for tips. You work for a wage. And yes I worked years in the service industry and still have many friends in it.

  • I think you're missing the fact that the bosses of the establishment aren't paying their employees fair wages and thats the only reason the tip is needed. Im not paying 25% for shit service. Tips are a GRATUITY for doing a good job and equate to a BONUS. They are not, nor were they ever, a defacto part of someone's earnings.

  • Lol, Niantic coding anything that actually works well is hilarious.

    I'd also argue that Ingress players likely gave them way more useful data than PoGo

  • When the side you are negotiating with is a bully that keeps "negotiating" after invading more of your homeland and will just do that again in a few years, you stop negotiating and take what is yours back and make sure they remember that.

    Sometimes negotiating amounts to enabling.

  • This atitude a modern day public entitlement encouraged by tabloids and selfish fans. Its unhealthy for the public and the entertainers. The fact that this attitude is what the public defaults to is the primary reason the "truly wholesome professionals" are gone from entertainment and we've been left with folks like Trump. You've created an environment that is actively hostile to the average person maintaining their sanity.

    Similarly, the obsession that people have with taking pictures and knowing everything about an entertainer and invading their lives is why there is such a ridiculous level of fortune associated with these roles. No one in their right mind would do it otherwise.

    This attitude drives the very principal it purports.

  • It's an interesting culture difference, but I live in Campbell River on Vancouver Island and have lived in several areas of rural Canada but generally when celebs come here and they are out to eat, as humans do, people let them be.

  • Yes cause god forbid he should be able to exist outside his house with his family. Fuck this attitude is self-centered. When people are out doing their thing and not at work being a star, leave em the fuck alone.

  • Fetal Heart "custody"?

    I mean if it's a fetus I'm pretty sure the mother gets custody by default.