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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
1 wk. ago

  • I don't agree with that at all, if you don't or can't understand the terms of a contract, you sign at your own peril, expecting the government to step in everytime a person decides to excercise their stupidity is authoritarian and leads to a bloated, innefficient system. This thinking just makes contracts meaningless, it just means you can claim ignorance everytime you sign into a contract you don't like.

    Regulating food is whole different game for a number of reasons, i dont think it's a reasonable comparison.

  • Smoking daily is more than what i would call casual use. You need time to allow your receptors to unblock, thats why people can blow out their tolerance so quickly. Every other day is probably a bit over the line I would draw for casual use. But the line is diferent for everyone I guess.