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Skywalk a controversy in new convention center
  • @benfulton @bloomington_in I am puzzled by this, but also kinda cynical. Are there vendors within the convention center who don't want to compete with the surrounding town?

    What's the problem with conventioneers "interact[ing] with and patroniz[ing] downtown businesses"? I though that was the main reason for cities to get convention centers.

    The only thing that can explain this is in-house protectionism.

  • ObbieZ Obbie King

    Lifetime campaigner for social justice, economic fairness and ecological sustainability.

    Delegate for Bernie Sanders to 2016 Democratic National Convention.

    Evangelist for minimum-impact low-maintenance living. Presented "Transportation Liberation - How to Save Time, Money and Sanity by Not Driving" to the World Car-Free Conference in Portland Oregon in 2008. Local and regional activist for public transit, bicycling, and walkable cities.

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