NoiseColor @ NoiseColor Posts 0Comments 652Joined 2 yr. ago
Yes, well phrased. All though I think there was hope. There is always hope, but none of the deciders care or have cared.
That's not the point. The point is when will this effect the war? Significantly. Enough to matter to Ukraine.
Russian economy is going towards ruin...
... but it's not nearly fast enough to have a substantial impact on the war in Ukraine. Russia is good to fight for another 2 or 3 years, maybe an additional year if they really push it. Can Ukraine do that? Not unless NATO seriously ramps up high tech weapon deliveries.
Absolutely, but if you ask climate scientists, in private, what they think the numbers are saying, they will tell you a very different story.
I don't want to go into specific predictions because there are too many. But generally, scientists are very conservative with their predictions, because they don't want to lose grants. It's safe to hide behind numbers and give low estimates.
Well, that's not entirely true is it. This territory is not known to have been a place missiles. Plus, Ukraine will not be able to take enough land to even make it a buffer zone for artillery, let alone missiles.
This land is a liability. You need many troops to defend it that could be somewhere else. That's a fact. The is only a question Wether the pros outweigh the cons.
Of course we don't know more than Ukrainian commands. We are speculating and talking. But they make mistakes as well. In war there is a game of probabilities and risks.
Maybe it's because climate scientists have been underestimating effects for decades so they didn't lose grants for looking alarmist.
Even without US. UK has nukes, France has nukes. You don't need a lot to destroy Russia. Basically just two.
Nato would completely overwhelm Russia, but not before nukes would fly from various places and hit major cities in the western world. In the retaliation, all of Russia would be destroyed, world in turmoil...
99%? Source?
My point was that it's usually not malicious, definitely not to warrant walking over someones car.
I didn't know that. Can you recommend an article or something about that?
You can frame it like that or you could frame it that life saving weapons are provided while wrapping financing into something the countries can digest.
Sometimes when you drive and think you will be able to proceed but something happens that you have to stop and sometimes that's over a crosswalk. That happen. Some car or motorcycle might drive fast or they might run a red light, or three could just be an error that keeps you from proceeding.
This is not something to get upset about. It can happen for many reasons.
It's just messed up messaging. Germany will continue to deliver all the aid that was promised and they might add new aid, but the financing will be different.
At this point it is necessary to mention Germany provides a lot.
Also to mention, maybe Germany gov should change their Pr department. These kinds of things have now became a pattern.
The adapter would fry if you played too long, so I bought a generic one, my friends had to do the same.
I think star trek always needs old miles O'brien, but I'll take him as a special guest as you proposed. or maybe recurring?
It was a joke...
Geez. Linux community is extremely uptight and extremely triggered by any challenge, even whimsical. Relax guys. But seriously, Firefox kind of sucks.
So just to install chrome?
Edit: I got down voted for saying people use edge for downloading Chrome. A lot of edge lovers here, who would have known?
I know the Linux community doesn't want to know, but Firefox is not as belowed as you might think.