How did I ever forget this one. Time for a Star Trek V re-watch.
Definitely a t-shirt ready quote.
I think of this being said the same way as two squabbling siblings saying, "He won't stay on his side."
I can't join them on the picket lines, but writing letters? I'm in! Sadly, my missives won't be on Star Trek themed stationery. Paramount marketing team, get cracking on that. LLAP WGA & SAG/AFTRA.
I think Tendi is always great. The moment of her going full on Orion Pirate was absolutely wonderful. "That thing has a tooth remover?" "Shh. I'm pirating! Let's go!" (s3e6)
Yes! I'm not even going to try to imagine how LD will handle a Tuvix situation, but I'm betting it will be good. If I had a list of things that would never be LD episodes, that episode title that's a play on the name of a Harlan Ellison short story, "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream," would be on that list. Mr. Ellison's short story is the antithesis of humorous. But, LD continues to pleasantly surprise me.
Rolling with those are LD season 4 titles, oh, there's more Badgey. That he was still around was set up before, but this is a possible confirmation. I think Badgey and Peanut Hamper have the most out there performances. I'm both intrigued and appalled at the possibility of a new Badgey appearance. I can't tell from the titles, but I'm hoping for a William Boimler appearance in season 4.
Go team Star Trek fans! LLAP.
Strange no ENT representation in the promotion. Also strange, isn't that Murf from Prodigy on the right side, middle outer edge of the Animated Celebration promotional image? If it is, I'm not going to read anything into it. I don't see any other Prodigy characters, but sharper eyes than mine might.
I get what they were going for with the song, but it's a swing and a miss for me. I think the opening credits montage fits perfectly with the show, but not the song. When I watch ENT, the only time I don't mute the sound during the opening credits is for "In a Mirror, Darkly, Parts 1 and 2."
" ... another 'space theme for nerds,' so to speak ... "
Not so to speak. Exactly that. Give me the orchestral story telling. Give me that epic space theme.
Lol. That was it. I'm glad TNG had more seasons, getting better and better as time went on.
Yeah. The TOS cast did movies, but there's a difference between doing a film and doing a weekly series. TOS was comfort viewing, and fans were going to fan in wanting more of the same.
I'm aware. So is the newspaper article this post is about.
A lot, I think. At the time of TNG's initial broadcast, TOS was omnipresent in syndication. And outside of TAS, the only Star Trek series at the time. Star Trek fans watched the heck out of TOS. Then, the Star Trek movies with the TOS cast. The first four films were released before TNG first aired.
There were Star Trek fans at the time screaming from the rooftops about how TNG would ruin Star Trek. Before TNG even aired. But, there were also Star Trek fans who, while disappointed to not have the TOS crew back, were curious about what TNG was going to bring to the table. And, really happy to have a Star Trek series again. But, "Curious Trekkies Wait to See What's What with TNG" wasn't going to sell as many papers and stir up as much drama.
TOS has such episodes.
Yonadans in "For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky" s3e8.
To a lesser extent the people on Beta III in "The Return of the Archons" s1e21. They don't know how to work the technology, but they fear more than worship Landru.
Maybe the people on Gamma Trianguli VI in "The Apple" s2e5, although I don't remember whether or not they were descendants who lost knowledge of technology and just started worshiping Vaal.
I'm surprised by how similar your convention perception is with mine, as the last time I attended a science fiction convention was in the early 1990s. The conventions I went to were always a mix of all the scifi out by that time. I've never been to a Star Trek only convention. I always had a grand time with other convention goers. We were all there for a shared love of science fiction. It was like being with a huge group of friends, where you could start a conversation with anyone. The cosplay was varied and wonderful. It was a chance to shop with non-local vendors. Some selling unusual, hard to find pre-Internet, scifi themed mass produced items, and some artists selling their own creations.
I did have chances to meet some Star Trek stars. In 1970-something -- before TMP was released, I met George Takei when I was heading towards a hall for a panel, and noticed someone sitting at table in the large hallway outside. It was Mr. Takei! I was so shocked, I babbled. He was so nice and charming, and he didn't call security on me, lol. I met Nichelle Nichols at another convention. The line to meet her was crazy long. The event coordinators said that she was leaving at a set time, no matter how many were still waiting to meet her. Ms. Nichols said that she wasn't leaving until everyone who was waiting in line met her. That fans helped her get to where she was, and she was going to meet those fans. Kind to everyone, and took photos. Absolutely a class act. I had a chance to briefly meet DeForest Kelley not long before he passed. He was obviously ill, but still was there for the Star Trek fans, talking and telling anecdotes about TOS. A wonderful person who is still missed.
I saw Sir Patrick Stewart, Mirina Sirtis, and Micheal Dorn at a convention not long after TNG was first out. I actually met Micheal Dorn by being in line for an autograph. I didn't want an autograph, I just wanted to meet Micheal Dorn. Based on the crowd's reaction and comments when Mr. Dorn spoke early that day, I wasn't the only one who was surprised by just how good looking that man is under the Worf makeup. Sir Patrick and Mr. Dorn seemed shocked by the size and enthusiasm level of the crowd. Ms. Sirtis was just amazing and loving it. Funny, charming, and delightfully loquacious.
When "pay for a picture or autograph" became the norm was when I stopped going to conventions. I'm not big on autographs, and I wasn't interested in paying for photos. The fans at the convention were still great to be with. I do miss that part of attending conventions, the being with other fans.
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As a child, TOS' space exploration and the Federation's society engaged me.
I like Chris Pine's Kirk, but I can imagine Mr. Olyphant as Kirk in the Kelvin films and doing a great job at it. I get that the Kelvin films Kirk was set when he was closer to Mr. Pine's age. Still, I can't help but wonder what a Timothy Olyphant Kirk might have been like.