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1 yr. ago

  • Any word on if cross-platform multiplayer will be supported? Would love to play with my nephew but he's a PlayStation kind of guy.

  • Life, uh...

    Lore tic

    ...finds a way.

  • I make it easy for people.

    "Start at the beginning and watch in production order. A bunch of stuff happens between/during those early entries but it's all essentially retcon, save it for when you have the context. It'll be more impactful."

    But it's so olllllllllllld I can't watch this!

    ¯(ツ)/¯ That's my advice, do what you want with it.

  • slice of life, feel good


    Gundam doesn't really fit those descriptors at all 😅 But... there is the Build Fighters series, which takes place in near-future real-world. It focuses on fans of Gundam model kits, and technology that scans the kits and lets them battle. It's not slice of life, but it's (mostly) kids and low-stakes conflict revolving around competition.

    Opinions vary on which entries are the strongest or weakest, but IMO the first entry (Build Fighters) is fantastic, and really nails the whole fan enthusiasm feel. A lot of the references are going to be lost on people who aren't already fans of the franchise, but it executes on the shonen format well enough to stand on its own.

    Edit: Honorable mention for slice of life goes to The Witch From Mercury, which made a lot of people very angry for hitting some of those notes early on.

  • I'm, uh, just gonna go back and grab a coat real quick.


  • I used to enjoy the old Joystiq site. Followed them to Engadget. Hell, I used the Joystiq url redirect bookmark until it stopped working. Might as well just delete the bookmark now, no sense it watching it slide further into irrelevancy.

  • One day I'm going to be scrolling through my saved pictures, come across this as a still frame, wonder why I saved it, click on it, and shoot whatever it is I'm drinking out of my nose and mouth.


  • enters a meme thread

    saves all the pictures and upvotes all the comments

    leaves, refusing to elaborate

  • I'm definitely willing to give it a shot provided there's no lootbox crap. I did some reading and the series seems to be more of a looter, which I'm fine with. All I ask is that it be 3rd person camera, like the vs games (especially the old ones). 1st person is a deal breaker for my motion sickness-prone brain.

  • It's fairly perfect. Can't take credit though, I'm but a simple meme hoarder.

  • Not PlayStation locked

    Is this the series with the gacha/lootbox nonsense? Or was that New Gundam Breaker/something else entirely?

  • The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

    Kleric obtains the forbidden mine carts

    The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

    The stats behind Sages in Tears of the Kingdom - Croton on YT


    Q-Tips: I knew it was coming yet I'm still disappointed

    Mobile Suit Gundam

    Gundam Requiem for Vengeance has been announced as a Netflix-exclusive 6 episode series


    Q-Tips: Sponsored by IFPTE Local 1701

    The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

    Tears of the Kingdom Backpack Korok Plushies Coming to Japan Next Year - Zelda Dungeon

    Mobile Suit Gundam

    December Gunpla, Freedom Metaverse Event, HUF x Gundam, RIP Evolution, And More [Gundam News] - Kakarot197 on YT

    The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

    Unbreakable Master Sword glitch found, works in 1.2.1 - Suishi on YT

    Mobile Suit Gundam

    Zeta Gundam poster in the style of the MSG movie posters (fan art)

    Mobile Suit Gundam

    Rest of internet: Wow, AI is doing some amazing things! Hold my McDaniels

    The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

    Once again, Kleric shows that he and I are playing different games

    Mobile Suit Gundam

    Turn A Gundam up on GundamInfo's YT

    Mobile Suit Gundam

    SO MANY NEW FIGURES (Tamashii Nation 2023), HGUC G-Line, And More

    The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

    Suishi on YT - Going over the culling glitch and a few applications for it, works in v1.2.1

    Mobile Suit Gundam

    Urdr Hunt ANIME, F1 x Gundam, HG Gaplant Gigantic Arms, Tamashii Nation 2023, and More

    The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

    Life as a Bokoblin - A Zelda Nature Documentary

    Mobile Suit Gundam

    Time traveler: moves chair

    Mobile Suit Gundam

    November Gunpla, RIP Urdr Hunt, Digi-Fig(What the Metaverse SHOULD’VE been), And More [Gundam News] - Kakarot197 on YT

    Mobile Suit Gundam

    Blue Destiny has zero chill

    Mobile Suit Gundam

    P-Bandai US 2023/11/01 - Various MG GN-X, RG Zaku II, more