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What is/was your distrohopping journey?
  • 15 years Windows -> dualboot everything -> Ubuntu -> Fedora -> Ubuntu -> opensuse -> arch -> popOS -> arch -> fedora -> arch -> -> popOS -> arch -> nixos

    I'm sure there's a ton more hopping around in the middle that I can't remember, but this is a good summary.

  • Linux user share on Steam breaks 2% thanks to Steam Deck
  • I typically land 10-15 more FPS on Linux but my setup is unique (custom nix flakes), plus AMD GPU and CPU.

    I also saw the same increase in performance on my wifes computer, and shes on a basic Fedora setup. She has AMD and Nvidia combo.

    Sadly performance seems to be tied to environment setup. Which is a good way to lockout a good amount of gamers.

  • How do you stay active and healthy?
  • I do Tai Chi and KungFu 3 times per week and workout twice a week.

    My workout is all calisthenics and lots of stretching. Pm if you want details.

    I work in DevOps so I know how hard it can be. If you work from home, try to stretch and move throughout the day. I personally will workout in the middle of the day to break it up.

  • Nearly 1 in 5 US abortions now provided through telehealth, with thousands accessed under shield laws each month, report says
  • The world isn't just black and white, go and read some history.

    Are you saying that people who helped the underground railroad should have been jailed too? What about people who helped save lives during the holocaust?

    Both admittedly extreme examples, but forcing someone to carry a child they do not want is unjust and cruel.

  • Overview Dashboard


    Are there any dashboards that work with Proxmox, VMs in proxmox, networking equipment, and maybe an iDRAC(optional)?

    I'd like to see things such as traffic, resource usage, power usage, etc. While having a way to embed links to my self hosted sites.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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