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Perfectly Preserved Dinosaur Embryo Found Inside Fossilized Egg
  • That reminds me of a joke.

    A museum guide is talking to a group about the dinosaur fossils on exhibit.
    "This one," he says, "Is 6 million and 2 years old."
    "Wow," says a patron, "How do you know the age so accurately?"
    "Well," says the guide, "It was 6 million years old when I started here 2 years ago."

  • Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering

    Achieves SOTA on quality AND on training time AND renders in real-time (60fps+)

    Divide & Bind technique for generative image models Divide & Bind

    Our Divide & Bind can significantly improve a pretrained text-to-image model, faithfully generate multiple objects based on detailed textual description. Compared to prior state-of-the-art semantic nursing technique for text-to-image synthesis, Attend & Excite, our approach exhibits superior

    Divide & Bind

    Greatly improves Stable Diffusion's issues of missing objects and mixing up attributes

    Scientists at Fermilab close in on fifth force of nature
  • From Wikipedia: this is only a 1-sigma result compared to theory using lattice calculations. It would have been 5.1-sigma if the calculation method had not been improved.
    Many calculations in the standard model are mathematically intractable with current methods, so improving approximate solutions is not trivial and not surprising that we've found improvements.

  • CALM: Conditional Adversarial Latent Models for Directable Virtual Characters

    Siggraph 2023, Nvidia improves on their previous research into controllable, natural movement learnt from unlabelled data. Code and paper available.

    'Barbie' Makes Greta Gerwig 1st Female Director with Billion-Dollar Movie
  • This seems like more of an achievement for the Barbie brand than for the individual director.

  • RT-2: DeepMind robotic research based on PaLM visual language models RT-2: New model translates vision and language into action

    Introducing Robotic Transformer 2 (RT-2), a novel vision-language-action (VLA) model that learns from both web and robotics data, and translates this knowledge into generalised instructions for robotic control, while retaining web-scale capabilities. This work builds upon Robotic Transformer 1 (RT-1...

    RT-2: New model translates vision and language into action

    Up to 100% improvement on unseen tasks, environments, and backgrounds

    Someone Used ChatGPT to Finish the Game of Thrones Book Series - IGN
  • Claude 2 would have a much better chance at this because of the longer context window.
    Though there are plenty of alternate/theorised/critiqued endings for Game of Thrones online, so current chatbots should have a better shot at doing a good job vs other writers who haven't finished their series in over a decade.

  • How a plan to recognize Australia's indigenous people became the country's latest culture war
  • Why do you say they have no representation? There are a lot of specific bodies operating in the government, advisory and otherwise, with the sole focus of indigenous affairs. And of course, currently, indigenous Australians are over represented in terms of parliamentarian race (more than 4% if parliamentarians are of indigenous descent).

  • Johnson & Johnson sues researchers who linked talc to cancer
  • While in general, I'd agree, look at the damage a single false paper on vaccination had. There were a lot of follow up studies showing that the paper is wrong, and yet we still have an antivax movement going on.

    Clearly, scientists need to be able to publish without fear of reprisal. But to have no recourse when damage is done by a person acting in bad faith is also a problem.

    Though I'd argue we have the same issue with the media, where they need to be able to operate freely, but are able to cause a lot of harm.

    Perhaps there could be some set of rules which absolve scientists of legal liability. And hopefully those rules are what would ordinarily be followed anyway, and this be no burden to your average researcher.

  • Elon Musk’s new AI company is staffed entirely by men
  • Taking 89.3% men from your source at face value, and selecting 12 people at random, that gives a 12.2% chance (1 in 8) that the company of that size would be all male.
    Add in network effects, risk tolerance for startups, and the hiring practices of larger companies, and that number likely gets even larger.

    What's the p-value for a news story? Unless this is some trend from other companies run by Musk, there doesn't seem to be anything newsworthy here.

  • Artificial Muscles Flex for the First Time: Ferroelectric Polymer Innovation in Robotics
  • So, taking the average bicep volume as 1000cm3, this muscle could: exert 1 tonne of force, contact 8% (1.6cm for a 20cm long bicep), and require 400kV and must be above 29 degrees Celcius.

    Maybe someone with access to the paper can double check the math and get the conversion efficiency from electrical to mechanical.

    I expect there's a good trade-off to be made to lower the force but increase the contraction and lower the voltage. Possibly some kind of ratcheting mechanism with tiny cells could be used to overcome the crazy high voltage requirement.

  • Lenguador Lenguador
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