Khrux @ Khrux Posts 0Comments 459Joined 2 yr. ago
I feel like plenty of multiverses have already done the "sometimes people look the same and sometimes people look different" kinda trope, directly because of the using the same or different actors dilemma.
Yeah the idea that somebody has a percentage rating of quality is genuine lunacy. It's also sociopathic to overlook that being fond of someone despite their flaws or "lower rating".
Meanwhile on the surface, the lich that crushed them with the rock has subsumed their corpses into their army and is going to invade the hells.
I absolutely agree when it comes to how theyve treated their staff but also lots of staff won't make that much difference to the design of the book, and multiple open play tests would be ideal to ensure we will actually use the content in the book.
The #1 thing I'd love to see which we almost definitely wouldn't get would be 20 pages where 20 different designers get a page to just say something they feel the book needs to say. Pick a range of the old guard of TTRPG design, new innovative designers and some of the louder voices in the design sphere due to social media and let them say literally anything they want provided they believe it should be in the DMG. Before it starts, get them all together to confer about their thoughts so no two people write the same essay and there is a broad spectrum from dice maths to pantheon design to checking in on players. It would likely be incredibly valuable information but also work as publicity as people like Mike Shea, Bob Worldbuilder, Matt Colville and Ginny D all would agree that the book isn't missing that one thing they want, because they put it in there themselves, and these voices hugely colour the views of amateur designers and people passionate about the game like ourselves, either directly or indirectly.
The reason we won't see that is that it would cost a fair amount to pay the freelance fees for all 20 designers, instead of filling the pages with magic items or other bloat content.
I'm glad they're coming later. The cat is totally out the bag that the reason the 2014 DMG is so hard to actually use is because there was no time to work on it, and we're yet to even see any playtest content for the 2024 DMG.
God I wish my wish waiter wore a mesh shirt, where the hell is this?
The company that is willing to commit terrible crimes including murder is still the same company. They have not been adequately punished for their various crimes against humanity. The punishment for these crimes should have been large enough that the company wouldn't exist today, not just a small fine.
Although we know the cat got up 5 seconds after the kimono was cut.
Permanently Deleted
My understanding it at 'he' is the bot.
As soon as the bot is first deployed, it immediately says "Elon is gay". The final message here means it says this somewhere ( such as on twitter I presume), not in response to anyone or anything but just totally un-prompted.
Biden slams the Palestinian genocide as "a little too much".
I started using Reddit when I was 13, I'm currently 24 so still a kid depending on who I ask.
For years in early Reddit, it always felt like everyone on the site was just people browsing it in work, to the point where 'summer reddit' was a thing because the quality would drop when the kids weren't in school. You could feel the difference in the website between work days and weekends.
That's exactly how Lemmy feels now. I bunch of people in their 20s and 30s who all have jobs Infront of a computer, sometimes I'm sad that this site isn't filled with Gen Z because they are the critical generation. It's much less progressive for the internet if this site is filled with old fogies nostalgic for the golden age of the internet, than it is if it's equally filled with enthusiastic kids who never saw the unfiltered internet but want to ride the fediverse train regardless, because they believe in it.
I hope everyone on Lemmy didn't grow up with the old internet, because it means they believe in something they haven't seen.
I'm fond of both, infact fantastic four may be my favourite thing to come from superheroes and basically only watched Narcos when it released because I liked Pedro Pascal. I dread this project.
Half of those were me and my 2014 hellish Skyrim setup.
From level 5-7, I could see myself throwing a dozen CR 1/2 hobgoblins at a party looks a.
At level 9, a CR 5 boss, a pair of CR 2 lieutenants and 8 CR 1/2 minions would also be a fun fight. I'm pulling both these numbers from page 68 of Forge of Foes, a great 3rd party suppliment.
If I suspected the PC was itching to use fireball, I'd give them a killer use for it soon after they hit level 5, such as the aforementioned 8 wide, 4 deep phalanx of hobgoblins that could be incinerated in a single blast from this. If you're not familiar with lightning rods, if the idea of specific things to make the PCs feel cool, undead for the cleric to turn, mundane archers for the mink to deflect, or dense, weak enemies for the sorcerer to fireball. The mother of all lightning rods is the one you set up soon after they get the ability to show how it shines.
Also if you use the minion rules such as those created by MCDM, then at basically any level, those mooks will be instantly killed by this effect, it's great empowerment for the player and if it's budgeted for in your encounter creation, not fun spoiling.
It aired against House of the Dragon which really shower it's mediocre writing. I'm a huge Tolkien fan and generally sceptical of most franchises but honestly I think in a vacuum, the show is fine.
Compare it to Witcher, even season 1 which is fine is probably on par or worse than Rings of Power, it's just that LotR is a strong franchise and it was easier to compare to multiple better competitors.
Conjure animals may be mechanically powerful but it's impact on pacing and round time may as well deal psychic damage directly to the table.
You'll run into the same power with every spell that limits creatures movement, and I'd say for a 4th level spell, that movement limitation is about right.
I think the difference really comes if fireball would reliable actually kill your opponents and if that's your objective.
A phalanx of hobgoblins have 11 hitpoints each, so their half damage on a success is still likely to mean they go from full to dead in a fireball. Hypnotic pattern would probably still take out 3/4+ of them, but now you and mop up the incapacitated creatures.
Hypnotic pattern is more versatile as it's humane and can be used to achieve multiple objectives, but when it's life or death, nothing kills like fireball.
I feel that they can't just jump out of it, as that basically just nullifies the spell entirely, I generally imply the plants are actually grabbing people.
As for pulling out their crossbows, at level 5, enemies are already begining to move from humanoids with equipment to unique creatures. A wereboar or ettin for example doesn't have any RAW ranged weapons.
The spell is also absolutely amazing to pair with another Spellcaster with consistent AOE damage such as moonbeam or ideally sickening radiance or cloudkill. That's the real army killer as once the spell is up, you can take cover and let them be microwaved while they can't reasonably counter you.