JustinTheGM @ JustinTheGM @ttrpg.network Posts 0Comments 36Joined 2 yr. ago
Props for the perfect interrobang usage
Jody is the guy who steals your girl while you're deployed
The word you're looking for is 'gleaning'; 'gleaming' is more like 'shiny'.
Permanently Deleted
I've always wondered, does the ear experience additional, unheard "loudness" when using ANC?
Doesn't happen with spacecraft either, despite what Hollywood often depicts. In order to 'stop' in space, you actually have to generate thrust. The scary thing that can happen if you lose your engine in space isn't getting stuck in one place, it's smashing into your destination at full speed.
TNG is actually my favorite series, but I'll admit it doesn't really get good until S2. By S4, it's fantastic. I'd highly recommend giving it another shot
You don't actually need to continue your taper through the bridle joint; just start your taper behind the joint.
I don't think the comment you're replying to was referring to shit as in fecal matter, but rather shit as in unknown potentially toxic substances.
Eh, kill off 3 or 4 billionaires per year and you'll counteract whatever additional environmental damage comes from millions of people not dying from malaria.
Yep, you just have to set Keep as your default note service in the Google Assistant settings.
Shared notes in Keep sync very quickly in my experience as long as you have a reasonable internet connection.
Foundry works fine at the table! Check out this article: https://www.foundryvtt-hub.com/guide/using-foundry-for-in-person-gaming/
Jerusalem artichokes > potatoes
There was no movie in Ba Sing Se.
There's actually a tricky spot for folks who get certain social services which are tied to income. A small raise can bump you out of eligibility for things like medicaid and food stamps, and thus can in fact result in higher expenses, less money in your pocket, and a lower quality of life.